In the News / Press
Monday, January 22, 2019 – Unity Church of Grand Rapids
A new presentation given by Terry Larkin and Marjorie Steiner took place in Grand Rapids, Michigan last week! The talk is available on video now through YouTube. That video will be put on this website in a few days!
Terry spoke at the IANDS International Conference on Sept. 1, 2018. Terry’s title of her talk is Wake Up & LIVE! She was on a panel along with Jim MaCartney. Jim had an NDE in 1997 and wrote a book called Crisis To Creation. His story is fascinating as well. To view both of these speakers, go to our home page and find videos and resources tab. You will find the video there. If you would like to skip over to Terry’s talk, it begins at 14:16 once you open this video*.
- Please go to Video and Resources from our home page. You will find the direct link to the video on that page.
BOOK Bin Book Signing
1151 Church Street Northbrook, IL
Saturday, February 25, 2016 3:00 – 5:00 PM
BOOK STALL Book Signing
Winnetka, Illinois
Sunday, January 22, 2016 2:00 – 3:00 PM
LOOK and see what is coming up!
Book Presentation at Michigan Shores Club – February 22
BOOK BIN Book Signing in Wilmette, Illinois Saturday, Feb. 25 3:00 – 5:00 PM
IANDS of Chicago – International Association for Near- Death Studies
Full PRESENTATION Workshop by Terry Larkin
Saturday, March 11, 2017 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Holland, Michigan
Saturday, December 10, 2016 12:00 – 2:00 PM
What an exciting day it is when an author walks into the store and sees a display of their book!
Unity Church Book Signing
Tuesday, Nov. 15, 2016 7:00 – 8 :30 PM
We were excited and nervous to present at our first Book Signing Event. We were delighted to see new faces and present our book to very interested people. We so appreciate all of Sandy’s hard to work to make this event happen! Thank you Unity Church of Douglas, Michigan! It was with grateful hearts Terry shared her Near-Death Experience and Marj shared her LIGHT Experience following the death of her 19 year old daughter. Terry’s health and healing story highlighted the significant learning of her NDE and how she has put it all into her life today.
It is available from Balboa, Amazon, and Barnes & Noble! Book Signings will be coming soon. Watch for details to come!
Hawaii’s Natural Beauty was the SHOWCASE for
Health & Healing Workshop
March 4, 2016
Sharing my Near-Death Experience with a group of dynamic and caring people living in the Honolulu area was an honor for me. I recounted the experience of being absorbed in God’s incredible love through dazzling, all encompassing white light permeated with incredible color and sounds. God is pure LOVE and losing all fear of death has allowed me to LIVE in amazing ways. Standing by this incredible ocean, the feeling of love I experienced welled up inside of me once more. Letting it back out by sharing it with others is an incredible feeling.
Calvary By the Sea Lutheran Church
Speaking at Calvary by the Sea Lutheran Church in Honolulu, I was able to see probably one of the most spectacular views of any church I have attended. We could hear and see the ocean just beyond the green landscape. Just listening to the sounds, I could easily get lost in meditative thought, feeling and experiencing the incredible LOVE that God has for each of us as human beings.
The Light Gap workshop was sponsored by an internal organization of the church Ke Ala Ola, headed by Kaui Lucas. The focus for this organization is to “Support one another living a holistically healthy life so that by God’s Grace we have the strength and vitality to be a blessing to others.” What a beautiful vision, and it was a blessing for me to be part of this group.
Ke Ala Ola started with a wonderful “healthy” potluck supper. It was spectacular and delicious! What amazing food and fellowship they provided. Meeting people was a highlight of my experience. My brother Jack Ashby and his wife Mary Pat were gracious hosts, inviting many people in the community for the Health & Healing Workshop. Potluck supperPeople connecting with others is a demonstration of the web of life God created for all of us. There is a universal life force that supports and orchestrates life in this incredibly intelligent system. There are no coincidences and I know I was meant to meet every one of you there!!
I am always humbled as I speak about my own failing health and how my NDE had given me knowledge about the healing process through God’s amazing world. We sometimes neglect to see “our inner beauty”. He created a connection ~ our inner soul with power to make a difference in our own lives. Life brings so many challenges to all of us. I shared my health challenges and emotional struggle relating to the sharing of knowledge God left me with wrapped in light. Learning together how to navigate life, understand God’s gifts, and our responsibility in using them is something we can ALL work on together! My husband Doug and I were celebrating our 45th wedding anniversary while on this trip to Hawaii. We’ve had our life’s challenges like all others, but we celebrate love, joy, and compassion for others as they live life in their own unique way.
WORKSHOP: Health & Healing
Zeeland, Michigan on Nov. 16, 2015
Our Health & Healing Workshop began with more information about Terry’s journey toward understanding one of her Near-Death Experience (NDE) messages~ ” WE CAN HEAL OURSELVES”. In the process of understanding this complex message it became obvious that we need medical professionals along with our internal power given in Grace through God to begin a journey of healing. Learning that God is PURE LOVE during her NDE, Terry was able to see the patterns in her life that led to healing following a very difficult diagnosis of Hemiplegic Migraines that were slowly attacking all of her vital organs. Her ability to heal included meditation, prayer, and medical meditations combined with energy medicine techniques. Terry shared stories of how her NDE helped her understand the energy field that all of us have surrounding our bodies. She shared the scientific research behind this energy field. The use of this information was powerful in healing. The most powerful NDE message ~LOVE IS ALL THERE IS ~ also relates to our health. God is love. We need to love ourselves, surrender old beliefs that cause internal stress, and make use of our inner strength. Meditation allows us to quiet our minds enough to let natural healing take place in our bodies.
Marj was able to share her use of all of these techniques with the audience while Terry demonstrated.
Understanding how the brain works in meditation proved to be very powerful research that Terry shared with the audience. Using experts to guide their presentation, Terry & Marj were able to pull together knowledge from the fields of medicine, psychology, science, and spirituality. It is in understanding our ability to change our habits deep seated in our subconscious mind, which led to the knowledge of how to go about the daunting task of self-healing. Along with Terry’s neurologists, primary care physician, and heart specialist expertise, Terry was able to eventually slowly go off all medications. She was replacing medicine with daily meditation, exercise, diet changes, and an ever-expanding knowledge of using energy medicine techniques. Health is an ongoing journey for all people. Terry and Marj shared their experiences and research hoping to help people open themselves to new learning. God is sending us new messages every day and we hope that people can open that channel of communication in new ways.
Meditation as Medicine, Healing Codes, Tapping, understanding chakras and how energy moves in our bodies were all shared, explained, and demonstrated. Adding prayerful meditation into a short daily routine can make a difference over time while healing and maintaining health in our bodies. All participants had a chance to try out some of the techniques. They went home with a comprehensive booklet complete with resources!
Questions? Be sure to e-mail us or leave a comment here on our website. We are happy to answer even the toughest of questions.
Presentation: Expanding the View of God
Zeeland, Michigan
The evening began with an explanation of a Light GAP in Nature. Terry and Marj shared that seeds had been planted in their lives years ago that would germinate, grow and flourish, just as plants do in the light gap in a forest. They shared the incredible power found deep inside in each human being when meditation took them to greater understandings. Finding God’s voice within brought messages from God in many forms such as books, people, friends, magazines, and even television.
It was a successful event held on a beautiful fall evening in the OLD New Groningen School House, renovated back to it’s original state in 1881. The old schoolhouse provided a wonderful location with a chance to get a bird’s eye view into the past, complete with desks and an outfitted classroom complete with pot-bellied stove.
Terry shared her NDE experience. “Understanding death allowed us to live life and take away the fear of God.” She shared that LOVE Is All there Is and concepts she learned about the suspension of time and space. She also talked about her little understood message that God had given her, “we have the ability to heal ourselves.” This concept flourished and grew as she opened herself to new learning and research. During the years of 2007 – 2011, failing health and dark moments in her life brought even more understanding as she journeyed to amazing health in body, mind and spirit using deep meditations.
Marj shared her Light experience that brought her to a state of pure joy and calmness at a time she had been crying 24/7 following her daughter’s death. She shared that three dreams other’s relayed to her, all ended in the same message from Anne, “Don’t worry about me, I am okay.” Knowing, not just believing, that our daughter Anne is alive somewhere, in some form, brought peace and happiness back into our lives. Marj spoke of the “seeds,” waiting in the darkness to germinate, and how they have sprouted and begun to grow, freeing her up to live and reach out to others. She has learned to go within for strength and guidance.
Marj and Terry shared the process of changing or expanding beliefs, so that a person can “believe and therefore see” the spirit at work in their own lives in new ways. They shared their stories, their research, and their insights in hopes that it will bring about new understanding.
Terry can now share that her own failing health was a gift in her life. Her story will develop during our newest workshop, Health & Healing. This workshop will be shared again at this same Zeeland location on November 16. Go to PRESENTATIONS to check out the details!
Artwork : By LOIS MULDER
Presentation Materials: By Jason Larkin Premier Graphics.
THANK YOU Jason Larkin! Premier Graphics does amazing work.