OPPORTUNITY – Meditation for Health & Peace – a 4 Week Course on Meditation
Beginning on Thursdays, May 14, 2020
Meditation Workshop
CONTACT Terry at OR call 616-405-4655 and leave a detailed message.
Meditation for Health & Peace
De-Mystify Meditation in a 4-Week Course
Taught by Terry Larkin
Days: Thursdays– May 14, May 21, May 28, June 4
Time: 3:30 – 4:30 PM
Place: Bodhi Tree Yoga & Wellness Studio
Cost: $75.00 for 4 Weeks Call 616-405-4655 to Reserve
Components in each 1-hour session:
Open Discussion for Sharing, Teaching Lesson, Breath Work, Meditation, Question & Answer, Resource Handout Each week
Week 1: A CALL from Your Soul…WAKE UP!
- The Basics and Beyond
- NDE Stories from Terry – putting meaning into Meditation
- Create & Nurture a Balanced Home Environment
- 3 Styles of Breath Work
- MEDITATION narrated by Terry
- Q & A Time
Week 2: The Power of Choice…the COLOR of Love
- The Challenge: Emptying the MIND
- Learn “BLESS ME” Method as taught by Suzanne Giesemann
- Becoming a Human Bluetooth: Inner Listening ~ Communication
- Breathing for Balance
- MEDITATION by Suzanne Giesemann
- Q & A Time
Week 3: Healing Through CONNECTION
- Understanding the Healing Frequency
- The power of the brain
- The ART of Emotional Prayer
- Full Body Breathing
- Heart~Brain Intelligent MEDITATION – FEEL the Frequencies
- Q & A Time
Week 4: Painting the CANVAS of Your Life
- Understanding the Pineal Gland
- You are the CREATOR of your Life – Mind Maps
- Heart~Intelligent Breathing Practice
- Kaleidoscope MEDITATION – as taught by Dr. Joe Dispensa
- Q & A Time
- If Interested ~ Week 5 will be planned
View God Through LIGHT:
Bringing Health to Mind, Body and Spirit
Terry Larkin is offering a two hour key-note presentation as a motivational speaker helping the audience understand what happens when we die and how our body, mind and spirit work together to allow us to live our lives full of love, health, and laughter. Understanding the science behind our heart to brain connection will be highlighted. Terry helps the audience understand how opening our spiritual lives through God’s unconditional love connects inside our bodies bringing joy, peace, strength, and courage to live a full healthy, happy life. Using her sense of humor Terry shares her NDE experience in light, years of research and practical every day experiences to bring new direction to seekers of spiritual growth.
Terry is also offering small group workshops in a half day session format. Marj will be participating in these when her schedule allows. Please contact us for information concerning costs for these workshops.
- NEW Health & Healing : The Leading Causes of HEALTH! ~ Putting all the pieces of mind, body and spirit into a practical, every day life. This workshop is now designed as a half day workshop meant to give the participant all of tools needed with hands on experience in meditation, tapping and other energy medicine techniques. Terry’s NDE, years of research, and first hand experiences in healing are entwined with hands on teaching. She is encouraging participants to come ready to TRY it all for themselves. * See BELOW for a longer description. * OR go to Health & Healing TAB for a complete description.
- Spiritual GROWTH through Spirit Connection and Authors ~ Using her years of growth in understanding life beyond death, Terry will share her growth in understanding the spirit world that exists right along side of us. She will use other author’s work to highlight and emphasize Universal Truths that exist for all human beings. Marj will join these groups as time permits.
- Book Discussions ~ If you have a group that have read our book or would like to, we can enrich the book’s discussion with our presence.
We are very happy to share short stories, answer questions, and give your book group a first hand view of how our lives have changed and grown since Terry’s NDE and Marj’s LIGHT Experience. We also have many current stories and expanded knowledge to share that are not in our book.
- Spirituality and Children~ Both Marj and Terry’s professional life was spent teaching young children and teens in various capacities. Perhaps you have a group that would like to discuss and expand upon Chapter 7 from our book The Light Gap: God’s Amazing Presence. The chapter is titled Children’s Spirituality and Education. Our ever expanding knowledge of the spirit life can be taught to young children enriching their lives.
View God Through LIGHT by Terry Larkin & Marjorie Steiner
This workshop is still available on a limited basis. Please contact Terry for details on possible dates for your group!
OR call 616-772-1308
Health & Healing : The Leading Causes of HEALTH!
We are now offering a workshop designed to make positive changes in our ongoing quest for healthy bodies. Terry’s Near- Death Experience brought a knowing that we can heal ourselves. How in the world we can do this? Terry was faced with serious illness in recent years and began using medical meditations and energy medicine techniques. Intense research began and has continued over a period of 6 years. Using our medical professionals, we can team up together and we indeed can make a difference in our own healing. Terry shares experts she has studied intensely through research for the book, The Light GAP co-authoried with Marj Steiner. Scientists, neuroscientists, psychologists, medical scientists, physicians, and spiritual leaders will be highlighted throughout the presentation. Research is proving we indeed CAN do some pretty amazing things on behalf of our own health. God is our constant mentor. Come find out what experts telling us!
Meditation is only the beginning. Tapping into our own individual energy field and launching into Energy Medicine, knowing where to begin can be overwhelming. Terry is helping make this a practical everyday experience for the novice. We all need to fix or maintain our homes. Our bodies HOME for our soul. Our health is one of our greatest treasure. Repair is possible and maintenance is a MUST! This is never a substitute for professional medical care. It’s to add depth to the healing.
Come ready for very special learning. Higher dimensions of consciousness are designed to enhance the physical body. Yet the average person as ho idea how to cultivate this inner healing force.
Terry will be:
- Sharing the Research; visuals to easily understand brain biology and the critical heart~brain connection
- Understand our vibrational field, chakras, and Universal Life FORCE than runs through our human body. Find out why it connects to your spiritual self, your soul
- Meditation; beginning techniques & expanded techniques
- Learn TAPPING and understand it’s use
- Beyond the basics and moving into healing techniques – Basic Energy Medicine Techniques
- Learn a 20 minute meditation for the purpose of healing
- Add simple TOOLS to facilitate healing
- Take Home: Worksheet & booklet for your 9 step plan to succeed in your own unique style
- “Feel Connection” among friends and know we are always connected to others through God
CONTACT Terry Larkin
Terry and Marj share that seeds have been planted in their lives years ago that would germinate, grow and flourish, just as plants do in the light gap in a forest. They share the incredible power found deep inside in each human being when meditation took them to greater understandings. Finding God’s voice within brought messages from God in many forms such as books, people, friends, magazines, and even television. Come hear highlights of their book, The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence and how writing this book expanded their knowledge even farther.
By Marjorie Ashby Steiner and Terry Ashby Larkin
Goals for the Presentation:
- Understanding death allowed them to LIVE life and take any FEAR of God away.
- We are not our bodies; we are spiritual beings living on earth.
- Seeds were planted during Terry’s NDE Love is all there is. We have the ability to heal ourselves. Terry was sent back for a reason – finding out why has been a journey. Concepts of time and space were expanded. “Unusual” and new experiences brought greater understanding.
- Research has been critical ~ Science and Spirituality cannot be separated.
- Knowing her daughter Anne was alive somewhere brought peace to Marj
- Letting light into our lives germinated new seeds opening our minds to new thoughts and ideas. Health and healing concepts were nurtured.
- Power of our thoughts: “Ask and you shall receive” had new meaning.
- Going within is powerful. They have recognized and developed their energy field that EVERY human has. You’ll see it when you BELIEVE it. God sends us messages through the universe in many forms. Be open to hear and feel
- MEDITATION is very powerful in bringing health in mind, body and spirit.