LIFE is Precious…LIVE it!

Life is Precious…LIVE it! There are times in our life when we are almost afraid to LIVE them. I’m in that place as I ponder the difficulties my incredibly wonderful husband struggles to keep LIFE and LOVE going in his life. I keep turning…

Celebrations of Independence

It’s a week of celebration for our country. I have fond memories of the 4th of July as a child. We were always at our grandparents for the small town parade, a celebration with delicious steaks grilled by our grandfather ( A HUGE treat…

Communicating…through THOUGHT

Communicating Through THOUGHT… This week has been a really tough one for me in many ways. BUT, rather than focus on that…I have been communicating with my family as I keep up with days as my husband is hospitalized. I’ve had some interesting happenings…

Spiritual FUN!

Spiritual FUN! Summer is playing out right in front of us! We so often hear that this is time to get outside and plan for SUMMER fun! The warmer weather has us reaching out for summer picnics and beach excursions. Today we are celebrating…

Heaven’s DOOR…

Heaven’s DOOR… When we hear the words spoken, “You are at Heaven’s Door”, we immediately jump to the conclusion that someone is near death. But, what if we use those words to enhance our LIFE instead? Is it possible that “Heaven’s DOOR” is right…