Children Resources
Children: Education & Spirituality
The Secret Spiritual World of Children by Tobin Hart, Ph.D.
Schools with Spirit: Nurturing the Inner Lives of Children and Teachers by Linda Lintier
Young Children
Dr. Wayne W. Dyer’s Children’s books written with Kristina Tracy/ Ages 3 – 7
I AM: Why Two Little Words Mean So Much
Incredible You! 10 Ways to let your Greatness Shine
No Excuses! How What you Say Can Get in Your Way
I Think, I AM Teaching Kids the Power of Affirmations by Louise Hay
Dreams Come True All They Need is You! By Mike Dooley
Children – Ages 7 on up (Some Children are ready earlier!)
Dr Wayne W. Dyer’s Children’s Books with Kristina Tracy
Unstoppable Me! 10 Ways to Soar Through Life
It’s Not What You’ve Got! Lessons for Kids on Money and Abundance
Good-Bye Bumps! Talking to What’s Bugging You with Saje Dyer
Individual Titles
On My Way to a Happy Life by Deepak Chopra with Kristina Tracy
Thank You, Angels! by Doreen Virtue, Ph.D.
Santa’s God A Children’s Fable about the Biggest Question Ever by Neale Donald Walsch
God Gave Us Love by Lisa Tawn Bergen
In The Garden of Thoughts: The Only Place You can Find the Power to be Your Best Self by dodinsky
Heaven is Real for Children as told by Colton Burpo to his Parents, Todd & Sonja Burpo
Peace Begins With You by Katherine Scholes
Dr. Wayne Dyer’s Children’s Books…
REACHING the creative mind that lies naturally in all children is so important! In our teaching experiences we have found young children to be very wide open about their feelings, their thoughts and their stories. They need to feel safe, however. They need to be nurtured in the concept that ALL of their ideas are worthwhile and valued. This is an important educational insight we will talk about. Be sure to check out our Educational Insights Blog!
We have found Dr. Wayne Dyer’s books for children to be very uplifting and thought provoking for both the child and a parent/grandparent/guardian reading the book to a child. These are some of our favorite ones. We have many author’s of children’s books to share, so keep watching as we share more of them! We will put a guideline for ages, but it is really good to remember that they can be used very effectively with children in many different age level brackets.
Here is one of our ALL TIME FAVORITES!
The two words I AM, are indeed very important to all of us! We’ve heard them in scriptures and we use them in our daily lives VERY OFTEN. As adults we have been conditioned to use them in both positive and negative ways. Children need to hear the positive side of the words I AM. Dr. Wayne Dyer is helping little minds to realize that God is right inside of them. As adults it took us awhile to realize how powerful this gift is. God right with us every moment of the day. This story is delightfully written in a playful way for their young minds. The message inside this book is equally powerful for adults!! And, in fact there is an adult version written by Dr. Wayne Dyer called, Wishes Fulfilled.
Each page of both of these books brings great ways to help the child in your life to find their OWN greatness! Childhood can be very tough. For children, understanding what is happening around them can be very confusing. As teachers we found the books very useful as story starters for writing as well as conversations that might be needed in particular situations. Starting a dialogue early in life helps bring everyday situations to the surface for many quiet children that may not discuss their feelings easily.. We find Incredible You! easier to use with young children. Unstoppable Me has a higher level of understanding if read in its entirety. The concepts can be made easier using the reader’s own voice simplifying the words. Marj spoke of how very important it is for all of us to keep our brains “imagining” as adults. In children, imaging comes pretty naturally as long as it is nurtured by caring adults!!