Spiritual EXCHANGE Circle

*SIGN UP to join us Monthly on ZOOM Tuesdays ~ upcoming will be January 21 ,2025!

*Send an email to and she will write you back and add you to our monthly zoom email list! 

Our ongoing CIRCLES  have been GREAT!!  Please come join any month! Through  email the week before you will receive  a ZOOM link as well as a page with our focus and thoughts to consider for any upcoming circle.

7:30 PM EST & 6:30 CST

We will meet once a month usually on the third Tuesday of each month, sometimes the last of the month! Terry & Marj will moderate a lively spiritual conversation among like minded people. Being present in the moment, you can bring along your doubts, fears, successes, joys, worries, failings, and LOVE as we gather in ONENESS with each other. And OF COURSE, please bring your questions! Please read more information below!

This group is being run with a VOLUNTARY Contribution of $15 per session. We are using this money to support this group and keep our website in operation so we can continue with our current practice of weekly posts and other offerings. You can contribute here through Pay Pal or through Zelle on your phone. We will provide more details when you sign up to join us.

We still have some places left for YOU if you think you might like to give this group a try! You can come and go as your life allows. You can join from anywhere  on your computer, phone, or tablet. You do NOT need a zoom account. Simply download free zoom and you will be able to connect.

We want you to feel free to come and EXCHANGE insights and stories, ENJOY, LAUGH, QUESTION, WONDER, LISTEN, CONNECT and find out how OUR lives have changed over the last 4 years since the publication of our book! Both of us have continued to grow spiritually, physically, and emotionally in amazing and insightful ways. We have lots to share, but there will be no experts in the zoom room…only ALL of us sharing in the ONENESS we know we are! We plan to explore together and learn from YOUR insights!

As we all know, change is inevitable! Our Universe is changing too  along with our connections to it. LIFE right now is a great example. Quantum Physics is giving us some incredible new knowledge. Expanding knowledge, uncovering ancient secrets, recognizing our LIFE changes, and becoming more AWARE of expanded consciousness is simply a start in the thought process for all us.

Here is a quote from our book, The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence, from page 215, the ending of our book. You can click on this picture to enlarge it and read the words. But think about the word CHANGE. 

Are you ready to CREATE greatness in YOUR life?

SIGN UP: email

VOLUNTARY DONATION per session: $15 (to cover our expenses on our website!) More information and DETAILS on how to contribute will be shared when you SIGN UP! Pay Pal and Zelle will be offered.


Terry and Marj

VIDEOS and Resources – PLEASE go to the top menu and click on Resources!

Updated information is included in that tab!





On this page you will find videos, reviews of our book, The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence, and book titles listed by author.  Please scroll down under the reviews to see this list of books that we highly recommend to spiritually awakening people.


Terry spoke at IANDS International Conference on Sept. 1, 2018. She spoke on a panel with Jim Macartney who also had an NDE. His story is fascinating as well. Terry’s talk is called Wake Up & LIVE. Jim’s talk is Crisis to Creation. 

Video LINK




The LIGHT GAP: God’s Amazing Presence

We hope you will take time to read what other people are saying about our book! Our subtitle is Our Journey to Understand LIFE Through LIGHT and Near-Death. Our title reflects amazing learning that has taken place through many years of life’s experiences ~allowing new GAP’s of LIGHT to enter into our lives. Terry’s Near-Death Experience and Marj’s LIGHT Experience were only the BEGINNING for us. You found that out as you read past the few chapters of our book. We are very interested in learning how our words, stories, and experiences have entered into your own path through life. We all continue searching for meaning in God’s Amazing Presence.

Please leave us a REVIEW! You can do that under the CONTACT US at the top of our homepage. OR, you can go to Amazon, Barnes & Noble or our publisher, BalboaPress: Division of Hay House Publishing.

1. Review by John Henry – ***** Five Stars

Found on Balboa Press Website – You can LINK here to read (click on Customer Reviews) or read below!

The Light Gap is an excellent book. Had the information not been noted, I would not have guessed this was a first-time venture for either author. The book came across, to me, as a work written by seasoned writers.

The dedication page featuring Anne’s photo is absolutely beautiful. For me, it invoked a personal tone to compliment the rich content that followed.

The sisters’ alternating contributions are weaved together very nicely, making for a smooth flow.

My first read was for pleasure – and what a pleasure it was. I will be re-reading, however, with a notebook at my side. I want to take full advantage of all the advice and recommended reading offered.

Two final notes to the authors.

1. I know God was guiding you with your experiences and writing; and I’m thankful for the blessing of being in your circle of influence. (That’s no coincidence!)

2. Your book has already changed me. I am more open to incoming spiritual messages, realizing that they may be conveyed through channels that went previously unnoticed.

Congratulations and God’s continued blessings to Marjorie and Terry.
John Henry

2. Review by Mary Leary***** Five Stars

Found on Amazon – You can LINK here to read on Amazon ( Click on Customer Review) or read below.

Top Customer Reviews

5.0 out of 5 stars A story for everyone
By mary leary on November 10, 2016
Format: Paperback|Verified Purchase
What amazing stories these two sisters are sharing with the world! This book is inspiring and uplifting and it may cue some memories of your own as it did for me. The barrier between life and after-life is only a thin veil that is often not a hindrance to communication to us if we are open to it. This is a joyful and helpful read for anyone who has ever suffered trauma or who has lost or will ever lose a loved one, which means all of us. The core theme of the book is healing and personal growth. You must read it!