COME Join Us!

COME…JOIN US! Through the LIGHT of GOD’s LOVE…Near-Death Experience and LIGHT Experience  Today we are giving you an opportunity to go back in time to hear the NDE stories from Terry from 1982 and the STE stories from Marj in 1996! It is totally…

Ride the WAVE of LOVE

We have all seen the spectacular pictures of someone that really knows how to SURF…their style makes us all think riding the waves must be easy. But, of course we know how terribly difficult that surfing really is and how much practice it takes…

SPRING: Life’s Renewal

Seasons come and go for all of us, each area of the country has GIFTS for us to enjoy any time of the year. BUT, spring is upon us and showing the renewal of LIFE in nature. After returning from Florida, I feel like…


We KNOW we are part of ONE whole Universe. Some people view themselves as very separate from that whole. When in our journey of awakening does a person recognize their own ONENESS in this vast Universe? Are we ALL simply getting only glimpses of…

Light of the WORLD… Easter Greetings!

Light of the WORLD…Easter Greetings! With love from Terry and Marj through… Regardless of each of our own religious persuasion or our practices, we have ALL been touched by the LIGHT of God. Jesus came into our world to give us messages of hope…