Life Brings Surprises



BOOK STALL in Winnetka, Illinois

811 Elm St.

2:00 – 3:00 PM

Coincidences are very interesting events in our lives.  As they happen they leave us in a state of surprise.  Sunday, January 22, Terry and I are going to speak for a short time and sign books at the The Book Stall in Winnetka, Illinois.  This is a place dear to my heart.  I spent 20 years teaching at Greeley School which is within walking distance of the store.  Many a day I stopped by the book store on my way home, stocking up on books to use in my classroom.IMG_3752

Yesterday my husband Jim and I were taking pictures of the window display and the book store when Jim said, “Isn’t that Scott’s (our son) good friend?”  I turned in time to see a man half way down the block.  I called out and Chris turned around and quickly retraced his steps.  Hugs!  He lives in Brooklyn but was “home” visiting his parents down the street!

I immediately had a flash back to our trip to London at the death of our daughter Anne.  We were in a deep fog finding our way.  Memories are cloudy but also distinct if that makes sense.  In London our family was standing either in the lobby of the dorm where Anne had been visiting her friend or in the lobby of our hotel, but in walked Chris! Two very different days – but both times unexpectedly in the same spot at the same time, giving  new meaning to the moment.

Anne’s death and the release of our book about my LIGHT experience just a day after being in London were joined.  Chance, coincidence?  Coincidence is is defined in Wikipedia as “..a remarkable concurrence of events or circumstances which have no append causal connection with each other.”  I have written in our book about many coincidences that occurred in the first years after Anne’s death and keep happening. I have learned that coincidences are a natural part of the workings of LIFE, of the world we live in and beyond.

Coincidences are being in the flow of a higher frequency of energy.  We  call this energy many things.  Many call it God energy but it is not dependent on the use of any specific name.  It is part of what we cannot see but is very real.  We feel it.  Feelings are the language of the soul.

As I look back over my life with new understanding and better awareness of God’s amazing presence, I realize I have been guided by many synchronicities, coincidences, intuition, and messages that I did not connect to God’s ever present guidance.  I now understand the truth of the statement, “When you believe it, you see it.”  All things are connected, intertwined.  Pay attention to your subtle intuition.


One Comment on “Life Brings Surprises

  1. This is the “blessed assurance” that is so comforting. Remember the old hymn?

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