Sometimes there are times in our lives when something really SMALL, but SO full of LOVE, takes us off guard. Somehow when this happens it launches us out of our lethargic ways and launches onward in our lives in incredible ways. The question might be…did I recognize an angel whisper?

I remembered reading about the concept through Alan Cohen as he talked about the OF Course in Miracles…in his newest book. Knowing how much the Course of Miracles has touched lives all across our planet, I kept thinking that perhaps I had experienced such an angel whisper about 2 weeks ago. I dismissed it at the time as my imagination…but the voice has stuck WITH me and so I know now to take more notice and perhaps I can put some meaning to the experience. AGAIN…I will have to say, it came at a time that I was least expecting it.

Recently I went back to Alan Cohen’s book to find the chapter that had touched my heart when I read it thinking it might help me put everything into prospective. It is in Chapter 17 for those of you that have the book, and the chapter title is Loved, Guided, and Sustained. When I remembered the title of the chapter, I knew it was one that I should re-read after my experience. He started out the chapter with a story about a woman who was recently divorced, broke with two small boys and wondering where her next meal would come from. A neighbor in the complex invited her to Thanksgiving Dinner and fed them a huge meal with enough leftovers to last them a week. When she went to return her Tupperware containers, the apartment was empty. The landlord assured her no one had been living there for months. WOW…now that is an angel visit I would say, but the experience turned her life around.

“We, too, are being guided and protected. Whether an angel whispers in your ear, or you have an uncanny intuition that proves itself, or the perfect person shows up at the right moment, you are being cared for by Higher Power…Love has no favorites and makes no exceptions.” ~ Alan Cohen

Alan Cohen reminded us that Jesus made it very clear that he and the grace of God are always with us. “Who walks with me?” We know that separation can take many forms, but I think when difficult times are upon us, that is when we begin to FEEL separation even though we KNOW we are not and never will be separated from God. When we are in “pain” for ANY reason whether it be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual…we are likely separating ourselves for reasons we would not embrace in usual times.

Right now you may be feeling anxiety and uncertain feelings about our country or world wide conflicts. You might be dealing with a health issue. You might be deeply invested in a loved ones issues. You might have a family issue that is causing deep level heart break. You might be experiencing financial burdens. You might have relatives in California who are suffering. OR, your life might be wonderful and beautiful and you are hoping to keep it that way. We could go on and on with examples. Alan Cohen tells many stories in this chapter. But each time there were small whispers there to help a person in great need at the time. But, could we miss the help that was sent? For sure…I am hoping my story or words might sharpen your “angel listening” skills!

Like many of you, I spent hours listening to Inauguration Day festivities. Regardless of your political views, we know that changes are inevitable and we see our country rising to the occasion to celebrate a new leader. Countless people were involved…who knows what exactly their inner feelings are – or what they might be experiencing. It is just like each one of us…we can express our views and beliefs to those we trust and love. But, how many of us have ever really revealed the TRUE and HONEST self we know as our soul? Right now I’m not talking about your earthly life story that has your name attached to it.  That is the STORY of you in a human body. What about the greater YOU…the soul part of you that you are “remembering” through your human mind, body and spirit?

What brought me to WRITE on the eve of Inauguration Day? That very thought above. I enjoyed some of the festivities, but not all. I began to KNOW why I heard angel whispers a few weeks ago. It’s a simple story…really! And I am hoping my simple story will remind you of something that has happened in your life! I realized I could revisit the experience and learn from the angel whispers I received.

I had laid down to take a much deserved nap during an afternoon after several frustrating nights without sleep. I heard a voice…I knew it WELL. It was Doug’s stepmother who died at 93 a few years ago now. She was saying, “Doug”several times, but no more words. Here I was, the one hearing that voice. She had such a distinct voice. She didn’t say my name.  Why? Was the message for him? Didn’t HE hear it? After asking he said no…”should I have heard it”? I should have known RIGHT THEN…an angel in the presence of his step mother was trying to help HIM…but she needed me to hear it and relay the message. Sometimes we may be the messenger…I have learned to know I may be a MESSENGER as well as a RECEIVER.

YOU a messenger? Are you a RECEIVER? We ALL have contact in every way…Angel whispers!  Be ready! Who are the invisible angels in your life? Quote from Alan Cohen…Pg. 147 in Of Course…in Miracles. 


I do not walk alone,

I am blessed with endless support in both the physical and nonphysical dimensions.

Everyone I have ever loved remains with me.

Love never dies.




6 Comments on “Angel WHISPERS…

  1. Very important blog! We MUST develop this ability to listen to our deep Self, no matter what you choose to call it. I call it “the Voice for God” or the Holy Spirit per A Course in Miracles. It speaks to us all day, even in the most trivial matters but first you must develop that relationship. Do the work, people!! Read! Meditate! Pray! Listen!
    Thank you, Terry, for such an important column!

    • I LOVE your comments Mary…I see it as the PASSION that lives within us and comes out when we need it! YES…Read, meditate, pray and above all LISTEN!

  2. An addendum: it takes a lot of serious practice, even years, to develop the ability to distinguish the “Voice for God” from the voice of the ego. Learn the difference.
    The ego’s voice is wily and louder.

    • YES…it takes years, but the practices are WELL worth all of the effort. I think I need to write another post about distinguishing the VOICE of God and our own from ego. Wow…what incredible thoughts ! THANK you Mary!!

  3. For me, it isn’t hard to distinguish the voice of the Creative all loving energy Source, and my ego. My egoic voice comes with a feeling lower down in energy that is not quite comfortable. It sort of hurts in my gut. The God voice is much higher in vibration, and IT feel loving and light and humble. It’s been this way all my life. The egoic voice is louder, for sure, and arrogant, and convinces me that I’m right and that I should fight because it thinks it is right, but the Source voice just sings and calms me down and says, just rest. We don’t have to be right. We don’t have to push. We can back away and walk away, and feel warm inside. It is all love.

    • Thank you so much Trudy. Your descriptions are great. We know for sure we can “feel” all of this in our bodies…it’s the TRUST that yes something was really MEANT for me!

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