Inner Convictions of Peace

INNER Convictions of Peace

Shall we plant a seed together? Years ago Marj and I talked about the seeds that were planted within us to be grown and nurtured. That takes us way back to the year we published our book,The Light GAP…can you believe that was in 2016? The seeds we planted in our lives are now huge trees here in 2025, or they would be in a Rainforest environment! And from MY prospective, I believe those seeds HAVE grown into huge beautiful trees in both of us and maybe many of you. I hope you will all join us in our celebration of how LOVE and LIGHT have made sure our lives kept growing in unbelievably beautiful ways!

We used the analogy of LIGHT coming into a dark forest where seeds could sit dormant for years until some force came to knock down tree branches that were blocking out the LIGHT. Oh for sure both Marj and I have had that “force” come into our lives, knocking down huge branches of our lives…to bring in the INNER Light that lives within us each and every day. BUT, the LIGHT of Inner Peace shines on in each one of our lives. Perhaps it has taken the honor of conviction to keep it all going.

In using that word, conviction, what comes to my mind is a “FIRMLY held belief”. It’s close to a knowing, but there is that little shadow of what might yet be growing into my awareness. It still may need to be cemented into my being.

I was marveling at this photo which I shared way back in 2016. I know EXACTLY where it was taken….we were camping here in Michigan and I could pin point the exact spot where I sat in the early morning hours after getting up and wandering on to a trail near our camp ground. I was meditating with my eyes wide open in the quiet of the early morning… knowing our written word would soon be out for all eyes to read. Thoughts were rising within me in a way that I could only explain in words to SOME people back then. All of a sudden the sun streamed through the trees on to my body bringing tears of JOY validating my thoughts matching the inner strength I had learned to nuture and enjoy.

Now, years later I know that INNER peace, the LOVE and LIGHT that exists in each and every one of us is accessible any day, any moment in time we choose. Here we are in the throws of winter with a white cover of snow everywhere, icicles hanging from my front porch like badges of honor…but here I am inside enjoying the warmth of home. Think of that as an analogy…there is an INNER strength that when we have the INNER conviction to ALLOW it in…we can enjoy the warmth! It doesn’t matter what is happening in our earthly lives to bring us down…we can go there and still FEEL the warmth with a smile. This seed Marj and I planted so many years ago has grown into a HUGE beautiful tree!






We are all pillars of wisdom when we realize where we have been and where we are continuing to GROW each and every day of our lives. However, it takes conviction within our beliefs to keep the joy and inner warmth happening in our hearts every day and in every way.

I found some “just right” words through Dr. Wayne Dyer to help me use as an exercise that I can repeat to myself when I feel my convictions slipping. After all…we ARE human with an ego that loves to tease us…just like the slippery sidewalks. The words awe and appreciation simply jump out and into my heart. Oh, that invisible and yet ever presence of God…

“Cultivate awe and appreciation as inner touchstones, rather than an outer determination for more adoration and accumulation. When you see a beautiful sight, hear an enchanting sound, or taste a mouthwatering delicacy, allow yourself to think of the miracle within these sensory pleasures. Be like the master who ‘prefers what is within to what is without’. Allow things to come and go without any urgency to become attached to this ephemeral world of comings and goings.”

We can radiate to the world what is going on within us! Maybe you will join us and we can ALL help the world FEEL warm even through the tumult of world happenings! We all wish we were close enough to wrap our arms around so many people in California who are suffering at this very moment. Our prayers will always help. Sharing our own inner warmth? Think…and maybe try it and remember that just like in healing, we have the ability to reach across time and space through our thoughts of God through our own love and healing! I know this morning I simply shared a healing with anyone who might be open to the love in a far away smokey landscape we call Los Angeles.

 SHARING the LIVING INNER Conviction of Love and LIGHT!


YOU can share this same love & light…Hugs & LOVE ~Terry & Marj




2 Comments on “Inner Convictions of Peace

  1. Good analogy. “A force coming into our lives to knock the branches down.” Sometimes it’s the whole tree that comes crashing down. Then lots of light comes pouring in.

    • Yes, Mary…you are exactly RIGHT! No one wants to see their “tree” come crashing down, however the LIGHT is there to pour into our BEING!

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