Inner Convictions of Peace

INNER Convictions of Peace Shall we plant a seed together? Years ago Marj and I talked about the seeds that were planted within us to be grown and nurtured. That takes us way back to the year we published our book,The Light GAP…can you…

WORDS of Wisdom

WORDS of Wisdom I know at times I am overwhelmed by the realization that the WORDS spoken by incredibly powerful people throughout time, have given us pause to really WONDER in awe at what the past is telling us about the NOW.  I was…

Cultivating LOVE…through Wisdom!

“Let choice whisper in your ear and love murmur in your heart. Be ready. Here comes life.” ~ Maya Angelow Cultivating LOVE is somehow more complicated than we wish. LIFE is ever changing, winding us through the joy that too often is threaded through…

Infinite Intelligence

“We are INFINITE BEINGS living in a human body temporarily. We were meant to experience ALL that life has to offer…the beautiful and the challenging moments live together!” ~ Terry Larkin Once we accept the idea that we are infinitely intelligent, our world opens up into some…


There are many times when I know we have very DEEP wisdom that lives in a very special place in our soul. There are KNOWINGS that live in that place within.  Yet I’ve begun to realize that science might be allowing us to have a…

Chocolates for the Soul

“Chocolates for the soul … little morsels of wisdom that you do collect and digest for the pleasure they bring… There are times when you need a little treat – a pick-me-up to remind you of the path you are on. Chocolates for the…