LIFE is Precious…LIVE it!

Life is Precious…LIVE it! There are times in our life when we are almost afraid to LIVE them. I’m in that place as I ponder the difficulties my incredibly wonderful husband struggles to keep LIFE and LOVE going in his life. I keep turning…

Heaven’s DOOR…

Heaven’s DOOR… When we hear the words spoken, “You are at Heaven’s Door”, we immediately jump to the conclusion that someone is near death. But, what if we use those words to enhance our LIFE instead? Is it possible that “Heaven’s DOOR” is right…

RE~Live and RE~New

Re~LIVE and Re~ new In meditation,  I asked, “What would my Loving God Self like to share today?” The title simply popped out in my head. Re-live and Re-new When I went to write the words down, only then did I know WHY deep…

Ride the WAVE of LOVE

We have all seen the spectacular pictures of someone that really knows how to SURF…their style makes us all think riding the waves must be easy. But, of course we know how terribly difficult that surfing really is and how much practice it takes…

Freedom to Simply…BE

Freedom to Simply… BE As many of you know, I am now in Florida with the distractions of my choosing. Of course LIFE sill “drops in my direction.” But, I am feeling freer to put my spiritual practices into full swing and enjoy the…


We BECOME…what we think about all day!  Those words echo in my mind every time I have a thought about Dr. Wayne Dyer and all that he taught me over so many years. This is hardly a new topic, most spiritual teachers teach the…

Beauty in LIFE Through WINTER

Beauty in LIFE through WINTER! It’s time for our mind, body, and spirit to slow down and ALLOW the peace within us to shine! YES, SHINE that light from within into the gray skies of winter. Our light is ever present ~ we do…

Listening for the NEW…

  Listening for the NEW… There are such beautiful words we hear when our world, our country, our communities, our friends and family all wish us… Happy NEW Year! Here are a few favorites that I wrote down: Here’s to a year of good…

Celebrate YOUR Magnificence!

Celebrate YOUR Magnificence! When we live with intention…there are so many incredible moments to simply celebrate our magnificence! It is that unbelievable GIFT we are born with, lives within us,  and sustains us in time of need. As we embrace the beauty of change…


AS awakening happens in our hearts, we find that we can simply enjoy having conversations with GOD in what ever FORM happens as we are listening at the moment! As soon as we are able to accept ourselves JUST exactly as we ARE, in…