Self DOUBT…with Grace

Self DOUBT…with Grace Last week I wrote a post about how communication from the Spirit World can come in the form of very small angel whispers at any moment in time. I mentioned an experience that I had recently that was simply so LOVING,…

Holiday LOVE and HOPE

Holiday LOVE and HOPE LOVE is in the air and there is such HOPE for a beautiful season filled with loved ones of all kinds!  We celebrate our families of course even when we cannot be with all of them.  We celebrate loved ones…


HAPPY THANKSGIVING from What a beautiful feeling of love we both have for ALL of you! This week is full of reasons to celebrate and be thankful for so many amazing blessings in life. When Gratitude for ALL sits in the center of our…

BORN to Heal!

There is something very compelling KNOWING we are born to heal! I am referring to healing ourselves and others!  I still  keep hearing the message I heard…we CAN heal ourselves! Our bodies were born to do just that! Science is finally beginning to embrace…

The WHOLE Picture?

We KNOW we are part of ONE whole Universe. Some people view themselves as very separate from that whole. When in our journey of awakening does a person recognize their own ONENESS in this vast Universe? Are we ALL simply getting only glimpses of…

Connected in ONENESS

ONENESS is still a very difficult concept for any of us to embrace. I am hearing new ideas. I wrote a post on ONENESS Awareness awhile back and  almost two years ago another called CONNECTIONS.  I now believe these two concepts are completely intertwined….


“We are ONE with our Source. Our awareness of that oneness brings a wholeness into our daily lives.” ~ Terry Larkin Our WHOLENESS is our eternal state of simply BEING. We are always and forever WHOLE, but it doesn’t always feel that way in…

A Breath of FRESH Air!

Breathe deeply…get out into our winter weather cold in whatever form it holds for you. And then KNOW there is a wisdom living in the space of consciousness  in and around you that can always find peace, love and joy!  As we take in…