HAPPY THANKSGIVING from What a beautiful feeling of love we both have for ALL of you! This week is full of reasons to celebrate and be thankful for so many amazing blessings in life. When Gratitude for ALL sits in the center of our…
We are THANKFUL for YOU! THANKFUL LOVE NOTE ~ We can feel LOVE in the air today, even with many of us having to alter or cancel plans with loved ones. It is the same with us. We have so much love in our…
Gifts arrive in some very unique packages. Many are placed in our paths to open without the use of our hands at all. In fact, the holiday of Thanksgiving can be it’s own unique gift unfolding every minute of our day. Our minds often…
When we think of celebrating THANKSGIVING, like most people, we think of gathering with those we love, and expressing thankfulness and gratitude for all that comes to life. The words thankful and grateful are similar, but we find the word grateful much richer in…