Self DOUBT…with Grace

Self DOUBT…with Grace
Last week I wrote a post about how communication from the Spirit World can come in the form of very small angel whispers at any moment in time. I mentioned an experience that I had recently that was simply so LOVING, I should have known it was VERY real. But my first reaction had been to dismiss the voice as memory. How human is THAT? But, in the end I knew without a doubt that it was very real.
If you didn’t get a chance to read it or would like to refresh your memory, here is a link to read it again! The title of the post was Angel Whispers. There are some very GOOD comments at the end that you may want to read!
Sometimes it is very difficult to TRUST the connection that is the same for each and every one of us. I know that I always marvel at the foresight and talents of all of the great Spiritual teachers of our time. I often wondered… HOW is it I can get there? But, as time went on, I recognized the REAL truth of it all…we are ALL completely alike in the eyes of God and with Grace… each other.
Oh, the Dalai Lama may have a more artistic meditation than mine. Dr. Wayne Dyer was a more talented speaker than me. Deepak Chopra has a deeper understanding through wisdom. Neale Donald Walsh connected to God…so can all of us! All of these individuals along with you and I and the homeless man sleeping on the streets have the same ability to be connected, “hear” guidance from the spirit world, and God loves us ALL the same! TRUSTING that as truth is key to allowing (REMEMBERING) all of it into our present life as a soul living in a human body. So why do we compare ourselves to each other? We are ALL connected to one another…through GOD’s LOVE for all of us.
LOVE is ALL THERE IS! That means SELF LOVE can push all that Self DOUBT out of our lives!
Self doubt about our worthiness for love is often a product of our upbringing, including our churches and society wanting us to feel that there is some goal marker that we much reach. Labels have been put on all those “accomplishments” since the beginning of man…and yet each one of us is a Divine Expression of God. God is LOVE. So that means YOU are LOVE. We have the ability to heal for ourselves ALL of those limiting beliefs we may have accumulated in our lifetime.
I do know that my Near Death Experience has made a tremendous difference in my life, and yet…that did not put me in any category to be any more special than anyone else. But I did experience the most incredible Unconditional LOVE that is hard to find in our ego driven world. But, maybe, just maybe it is NOT so hard to find!
What is ego? It’s that illusive word we tend to use to describe those things we THINK we are not so good at. And yet, GOD provided a beautiful learning platform…without any judgement! We are all in the environment for learning…in Grace. I came back into my body COMPLETELY knowing that “LOVE is ALL There Is!” As most of you will remember from our book, I could not stop saying those words. It’s important to realize that there were were NO STRINGS attached to that love. There was NO judgement…so I say tell your ego to CHILL out…God LOVES that part of you too! Read the words contained in the WISDOM of the Tao carefully and you will find…
Oh the WISDOM of the Tao…that’s God you know!
13th Verse
Favor and disgrace seem alarming. High status greatly afflicts your person.
Why are favor and disgrace alarming? Seeking favor is degrading: alarming when it is gotten, alarming when it is lost.
Why does high status greatly afflict your person? The reason we have a lot of trouble is that we have selves. If we had no selves, what trouble would we have?
Man’s true self is eternal, yet he thinks, I am this body and will soon die.
If we have no body, what calamities can we have?
One who sees himself as everything is fit to be guardian of the world. One who loves himself as everyone is fit to be teacher of the world.
Yes, yes, and yes. Totally agree.
Thanks Trudy. Everyone loves to hear that a post was meaningful, but as it clearly states…I should NOT allow my ego to carried away with a compliment!
I’m just agreeing.