LIFE is Precious…LIVE it!

Life is Precious…LIVE it! There are times in our life when we are almost afraid to LIVE them. I’m in that place as I ponder the difficulties my incredibly wonderful husband struggles to keep LIFE and LOVE going in his life. I keep turning…

Peace is LIVING Life

PEACE…is Living LIFE! Peace is the GOAL of life! We certainly wonder why it is such an illusive concept for our WORLD! Tangled human beings with difficult lives, people that are lacking love in their hearts, and leaders hungry for power can certainly keep…


LETTING GO “Every moment there are a million miracles happening around you: a flower blossoming, a bird tweeting, a bee humming, a raindrop falling, a snowflake wafting along the clear evening air. There is magic everywhere. If you learn how to live it, life…


We BECOME…what we think about all day!  Those words echo in my mind every time I have a thought about Dr. Wayne Dyer and all that he taught me over so many years. This is hardly a new topic, most spiritual teachers teach the…

AWAKENING…thoughts that surface!

  I am not sure ANY of us really know or understand how we awaken to KNOWING. Last week we shared a movie for all of you to enjoy and we do hope you enjoyed the challenging information. We ALL hear the information shared…


  SEEK Connections! Good Morning WORLD…I talked to the sunrise out on my deck yesterday. The day was sunny,  warm and lovely. Today is quite a different picture with rain and gray skies. So where is my rainbow to brighten the smile on my…


So often in the morning during my quiet moments of going within some of my greatest thoughts begin…but usually they don’t END there. There is something about moving on with LIFE that stirs incredibly important insights. Have you had this experience? If I’ve read…

LIVE Life Boldly!

Live Life BOLDLY! As I reflect on life recently, I’m realizing more than ever that LIFE is presented to us each day through the lense of our own vision created from within.  And yet, the opportunities we are given may seem very little like…

Dream BIG!

It’s such a gray and dark January morning. Here I am searching for signs of brightness to light my morning. The early hours of the day are lit with candlelight…that beautiful glow that simply “reminds” me that my own inner light is always lit….

LIFT the Burden of Doubt!

There is this amazing gift living inside of us that can absolutely LIFT us into joy and peace! I have experienced this joy quite a number of times this week and I thought…wow, thank you God. It didn’t happen DURING meditation even though I…