CONSCIOUSNESS ~Individual and Collective Last week I wrote a post entitled The GIFT of the AFTERLIFE. If you didn’t get a chance to read that one, or you would like to re-read it for any reason, you can click here or on the title…
Communicating Through THOUGHT… This week has been a really tough one for me in many ways. BUT, rather than focus on that…I have been communicating with my family as I keep up with days as my husband is hospitalized. I’ve had some interesting happenings…
Re~LIVE and Re~ new In meditation, I asked, “What would my Loving God Self like to share today?” The title simply popped out in my head. Re-live and Re-new When I went to write the words down, only then did I know WHY deep…
AS awakening happens in our hearts, we find that we can simply enjoy having conversations with GOD in what ever FORM happens as we are listening at the moment! As soon as we are able to accept ourselves JUST exactly as we ARE, in…
Awakening INTUITION… As we open ourselves to all types of communication through our Divine Consciousness, there is an awakening to more and more…WHAT? Do we sit in our own deep awareness at all times in our earthly body? We use the word intuition, but…
LOVE IN ACTION! Our whole country celebrated the 4th of July this week! Independence Day is really an ongoing celebration of remembering how incredibly blessed we are to be able to speak and believe in our own unique ways. This patriotic holiday has…
The Freedom of LOVE… Throughout the AGES man has tried to define the word love. We read about it in poems, stories, the Bible, and other sacred texts. We are living in our “human suit” at the moment, and so of course our human…
Daily WISDOM “When I belong to myself, I belong to the whole human family.” ~ Deepak Chopra Some days my practices, habits and self care routines simply launch my day into positive thinking. I know that daily habits can and do make a difference…
BE the CHANGE…in and for myself! YOU can be the change in you, for yourself. It is so very important for each and every one of us to BE the change…that is simply just right for us. We’ve been led to believe if we…
Last week we all laughed together and brought at least a little bit of joy into our lives! That is a part of my life every day, because I choose happiness for myself. I have a deep knowing that we were meant to enjoy…