LOVE in Action…

Our whole country celebrated the 4th of July this week! Independence Day is really an ongoing celebration of remembering how incredibly blessed we are to be able to speak and believe in our own unique ways. This patriotic holiday has always been a favorite time for families to gather enjoying food, fireworks, and fun times.
There is something in the air that somehow allows us to relax from labors and simply enjoy people. The “something in the air we see here is fireworks”…but, now we KNOW there is a whole lot more. We need that feeling of inclusion, our bodies and minds crave fellowship with others and the energy LOVE shares with our bodies. Picnics and waiting for the fireworks are with PEOPLE. For my family it is after the actual holiday date our family could gather, but it does not matter. PEOPLE together help the frequency of love multiply ~ today I’m calling it LOVE in ACTION!
There are many scientists actually studying that field of love in action. It hasn’t been that many years since science learned that “frequencies” are not only measurable, but the energy level is changeable with people’s emotions. The “frequency” of love is supposed to be the 528 frequency. These days we see numbers associated with music and sounds to help people “elevate” their vibration level, it usually is measured in Hz. It’s often discussed along with healing that seems to take place in high frequencies during mediation.
This morning I decided to put on my earphones and search for the love frequency in so many You Tube videos meant for healing during meditation. Today I listened to my intuition as a new one popped up for me and of course it caught my attention…Solfeggio Tuning Forks – 963 Hz, 852 Hz, and 639 Hz.
There wasn’t anything particularly musical about it, mostly vibrating sounds, but I quickly realized my body was reacting in a very significant way! I have put a link and you can access this YouTube tuning forks sounds if you would like to try it. I wanted to choose something new and I know that Solfeggio has MANY I love. I have a Reconnective Healing friend, Justin Victor, who lives in Canada and is now trained to facilitate tuning fork sessions. His work in Canada has intrigued me, especially his ability to connect and channel amazing words from the spirit world. It was fascinating for me today, because after about 10 – 15 minutes, I was simply lifted away and disappeared into a state of no thought. I lost about 10 more minutes that I have no memory. That doesn’t happen all that often! I was in such an AMAZING peaceful place. LOVE in ACTION…so I thought I would share my experience with you!
I know that the love of family sharing REAL love for one another is that time on our earthly journey we are meant to be lifted up in our “collective” love. Perhaps you have just experienced some of that with your own family or friends on July 4. When ONE MIND simply remembers God does not judge or condemn others, life is SO much more calm and peaceful. God’s unconditional love reminds me of my own learning…not to judge others too. It’s a hard task because our society by default is teaching us to “FEEL” superior to others. And yet…we are ALL alike in the eyes of God. I knew I needed that simple reminder this week.
“Spirit does not judge. There is no need for spirit to prove separation or superiority. Do you see how frivolous this would be? It would be as if saying ‘I am superior to myself!’ There is naught but Spirit – Infinite Loving Consciousness – and you are an aspect of that. When you, at the level of Consciousness, finally grasp this most basic concept of Life, the need to judge disappears and is replaced with compassion for all. You may sit back and observe differences, but you do so always with compassion instead of judgement. This, beloved friends, is Love in action.” ~ Sanaya shared by Suzanne Gieseman~July 2 in Love Beyond Words: 365 Days of Inspiration from Spirit.
I reminded myself that these words of LOVE come from a Spirit Collective known as Sanaya. Just like my friend Justin’s Collective Spirit, he shares so freely .
” We cannot set out to be love. Often, we already are and become aware of this when others see it in us in the universal oneness we share.” ~Justin Victor Pg. 51 COLLECTING CONSCIOUSNESS: I Know Nothing, But Wisdom
I hope these thoughts LIFT you up like they did me today. I especially needed the very human reminder of how to take away my judgement of another.
I Chose to BE Love…to BE LOVE IN ACTION!
Justin’s shared words below found their way to me today.
Very interesting! I’ll try it. Thank you.
Do the frequency and energy levels match up with Hawkin’s levels of consciousness?
What a GREAT question and I don’t know the answer! It would not surprise me in the least that they do…a good reason to do some investigation into that. My friend Justin just might know the answer. THANKS for asking this…I LOVED all of my reading through David Hawkins. They so profoundly changed my life.