The Freedom of LOVE…
The Freedom of LOVE…
Throughout the AGES man has tried to define the word love. We read about it in poems, stories, the Bible, and other sacred texts. We are living in our “human suit” at the moment, and so of course our human brain immediately thinks of love that flows between people who care for each other. Human love or lack of it often drives our every day decisions. In HUMAN LOVE we have a freedom to love as we wish! The platform is forever changing and society helps us misinterpret others on a regular basis.
We especially struggle in that tricky self-love thought. We often don’t allow our mind to be peaceful and content until we achieve some “perceived” goal. Why is that? We have the FREEDOM to love as we chose.
Then as we stop and turn inside we begin to experience a deeper love through the presence of DIVINE LOVE. God can simply lift us to a state of ecstasy. And yet…our oh so human ideas and thoughts try to throw knots in as we try to thread our version of love into an experience.
Last week in expressing the delights of Spring…I’ve been watching the buds on our tree out my front window uncurl in such a bright beautiful green color! They reminded me of a photo with this quote I cherished years ago from Sally Kempton from Sounds True.
“A moment of stopping, turning inside, checking yourself out, noticing how you feel, and observing your thoughts without buying into them is a profoundly significant moment. It will give you the power to act from a resourceful, skillful place.”~ Sally Kempton
Ahhh, the power to act from a resourceful, skillful place. I remember well when I really began to cherish every moment of turning inside for guidance, LIGHT, LOVE, and hope. So very many years ago I taped this to my desk for daily reminders. It is just as significant today as then. I took my FREEDOM of expression very seriously when it was threaded through DIVINE LOVE.
Today these poor opening buds on my tree were stopped in their tracks by snow. It’s a message for us through nature how easy it is to simply get stopped in our tracks by events in our lives. We can not always avoid or control these heart stopping moments…just like my tree cannot choose between the sunny 80 degree weather or the 29 degree snow it experienced all within a 24 hour time frame!
As I took this picture of our tree, I had stepped outside in the snow filled grass. My eyes caught the sign engraved on a stone I have laying in my garden. The angel sent me a message. Yes…I have the freedom to choose my love thoughts. There stood my tulip bravely weathering the cold and snow.
I smiled…I laughed, and then Doug poked his head out the door and said, “So, are you out playing in the snow? In your bare feet??” I smiled back and said, “Yes, absolutely!” I found the LOVE deep within that KNOWS…
Last week I had come across a quote from a revered Hindu mystic through Sacred Science. I went to FIND those words this morning after I frolicked in the snow in my bare feet grounding my body through thoughts from above. I knew an amazing image had arrived to me during meditation for a reason. It came into YouTube…first on the list and I had never seen it nor listened to it. I had received it for a very important reason.
“Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. If I love you because you love me, that is mere trade, a thing to be bought in the market; it is not love. To love is to not ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something. And it is only such love that can know freedom.” ~ Jidda Krisnamurti
I have the freedom and the power to feel happy and free RIGHT NOW! Once we let go of any self doubt or self imposed rules we might be hanging on to.
Our self doubts simply DISSOLVE through our Freedom to LOVE! Dwelling in the FREEDOM of LOVE brings new energy and joy to every single day~regardless of the “weather” either inside our OUTSIDE of our lives. LOVE is so beyond words…
LOVE & LIGHT shared with US from the Spirit World!