Eyes of the Soul

Eyes…what a gift we are given to see the  beauty around us. You’ve heard the expression: “The eyes are the window to our soul.” There is something physical that seems to happen in our bodies when nature surrounds us in beautiful splendor. Our heart…

The Light GAP Expands: VIDEO BLOG

  The Light GAP is expanding for Terry Larkin and Marjorie Steiner! Come enjoy hearing our voices as we spoke to an audience at the Unity Church in Grand Rapids on Monday, January 22, 2019! The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence was written as…

YOU are a Miracle of LOVE!

YOU are a Miracle of LOVE! Good MORNING sunshine, good NIGHT moon and stars ~ You were created in  pure love just like me! And yet I couldn’t see any of you this morning…just gray skies. But, then I remembered that the sun, moon…

LIFE and the UNIVERSE are YOU!

“You are not separate from the whole. You are one with the sun, the earth, the air. You don’t have a life, You ARE life!” ~Eckhart Tolle Today I’d love to pose some questions. And then I hope you will really ponder YOUR own answer to…

Restoring TRUST Through a GREAT Practice!

  Good Morning world! Thank you God for restoring light into my world slowly so I can savor each precious moment.  My heart energy soared as I sat outside during my morning meditation this morning. The birds have been awake for close to an…

Feeling Your Heart’s Energy

“I had experienced the full healing power of unconditional love when my brain inexplicably healed following my coma, but bringing the full power of that love into daily existence proved challenging.” ~Eben Alexander, MD Neurosurgeon Author of Proof of Heaven, Map of Heaven, Living…

The ART Form Within Meditation with YouTube VIDEO

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson I know beyond any doubt that finding the light within my soul so many years ago illuminated a pathway to create my…

Self Love is God’s Love… A Fresh Look at Meditation

“In this New Year, may your “pipe lines” flow with love instead of getting frozen with low energy vibrations.  May you be blessed with the courage to let go of the old, and bring in the new higher vibrations –  bringing joy, happiness and…

Let Go of the Old, Let In the New

HAPPY NEW YEAR! This time of year, the Midwest can be so beautiful.  With the cold that comes in, comes the freshness of the new fallen snow, and the brightness of the nights.  The full moon brightens the sky creating moon shadows as it…

A CALL From Your Soul!

I am hoping today you will go back and re-read Marj’s blog past from last week. There was so much to absorb, but so beautiful when we put it in our lives. She spoke of the two sides we all have, our human side…