LIFE and the UNIVERSE are YOU!

“You are not separate from the whole.

You are one with the sun, the earth, the air.

You don’t have a life, You ARE life!”

~Eckhart Tolle

Today I’d love to pose some questions. And then I hope you will really ponder YOUR own answer to these questions. If you are willing to share YOURS with us, we’d love to post some of the answers. Your name does not need to go by the answer, but we can include a first name if you’d like. Our plan is to create a FUTURE blog with ideas from all of you.  We’d like to  share answers from our totally diverse and very creative thinkers that most likely come from very different backgrounds and current situations in life. (* see below how to share)

As we navigate this totally complex world in a human body, we can sometimes get lost until we realize that it is our soul’s journey that brought us to live this life!  We try to understand life through the filter of the human body’s SELF…the “picture” of US. You see, I have created  Terry Larkin as human in form. We can see and expereince the “picture” that we call my incredible sister, Marj Steiner. Our life’s  experiences have been defining us and providing a “picture” for our friends and family. I’m guessing your existence, like ours, would be based on your childhood, family, religion, job, status, accomplishments and experiences. As you view this current  photo, it was taken as Marj and I were sharing with others our life’s experiences that have been boldly different due to our experiences in LIGHT. However, we share it through the filter of our childhood, family, religion, job, community, …you just heard that list!

But, who are we REALLY? Is my soul’s journey somehow related to health and healing? I am  guessing that is true, so at moments of self assurance I say, ” YES, for sure!”  Then,  when I ponder our existence as a human species, some days I think that my current view might only be a stepping stone to my understanding of life in a human body. Ultimately, all of us want to know some of the basics, like Who AM I? (REALLY…) And WHERE did I come from?

So, without putting answers into your thoughts which are very pure without my help, I hope you will ponder… for awhile and then SHARE. If it helps you decide how to wonder, I  receive my BEST answers when I check out what my heart is telling me instead of my brain’s programmed answers that someone else has probably shared with me at some point in my life! Your brain is part of it, but it’s actually the “mind” that you can change by checking with your heart. I receive my best answers during or following meditation. We can ALL benefit by each other’s most amazing ideas. Ideas shared are food for thought for ALL of us! Remember, we are ALL connected and the thoughts of one can build and share when LIFE needs it the most! I think it might be good for you to know, I do not think there are right and wrong answers, only ideas or answers that are right for you.  I am numbering the questions so that you can make reference to the numbers when you send us your feedback*. (see below)

Life Questions 


  1. Who am I? (REALLY…)
  2. Where did I come from?
  3. What am I here to do?
  4. What influences you the MOST?
  5. Have you experienced discoveries about your soul’s journey?
  6. What “experiences” keep happening over and over in your life? Do they have messages for you?
  7. What happens when we die?
  8. What would it look like if you were always being love? Read below, this is a QUESTION from the Reconnection.

Remember, the richness in life comes from connecting with others. Help US connect YOU…and Reconnect YOU to the UNIVERSE! When a window into your soul opens… LIFE opens in incredible ways for YOU! My own Reconnection through Reconnective Healing has provided an opening into “remembering” my own soul’s journey. Perhaps your connection can happen soon!

I am including  QUESTION # 8 in a picture. Reconnective Healing through the Reconnection is asking us all this question.  If you are curious about this question, go to our Facebook Page…I have shared their question and MORE all week!

*To share your THOUGHTS, please send an email to In the subject line,  please put the words, LIFE’s Questions.  Terry will compile these answers, but no one’s name or email will be associated in any way with answers that are shared.

THANK YOU for spending time as you  share your amazing thoughts! We love you all in a totally DIVINE way!

Terry & Marj

You too can also receive daily insights into life through Neale Donald Walsch

On this day of your life

Terry, I believe God wants you to know …

… that you have two voices with which you speak:
your MindVoice and your SoulVoice.
These two voices are also — all the time — speaking to you.
Which voice you listen to will determine
which voice you speak with.
God invites you to listen to, and speak with, your
SoulVoice. This will vastly improve your personal
communications — to say nothing of your mood.
Love, your Friend …
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