Each MOMENT is a New Beginning Each moment of every day is an opportunity for a new beginning! This past weekend we had gorgeous summer like weather. My mind kept flip flopping from the beauty of simple pleasures around me to house projects,…
The AWAKENING Mind What IS awakening? I have wrestled with this whole concept since 1982. My NDE began the search and each year of my life since that time I have been trying to piece together the puzzle that humanity has been trying to…
Who ARE our guides? Who ARE angels? What ARE our loved ones like when they transition into the ever life? Are they light? Are they with us all the time? What beliefs have you opened for yourself? I LOVE to ponder these questions. I…
Spiritual JOURNEY This title might bring a variety of thoughts and ideas in your mind, in fact, I HOPE it does! That is GOOD NEWS! There are many times we want to hear about another person’s Spiritual JOURNEY hoping that there will be signs…
A WEB of connection is very deeply rooted in our soul. It’s that beautiful thought that keeps rising out from a place of remembrance. It’s a place we can’t quite “grasp” when or why, but we KNOW! Our instinct takes us there, but it’s…
Happy 4th of July Summer has arrived in full force and all of us are in the midst of family and friends celebrating during the holiday week that contains July 4th. Our country is in need of each and every one of us to…
“You and me, all of us, are awakening through God’s embedded presence to find love and peace instead of fear and hatred. Know you have the power within you to connect to God’s divine nature, bringing miracles into everyday existence. Many mystical, God-realized…