Follow Your Instincts!

A WEB of connection is very deeply rooted in our soul. It’s that beautiful thought that keeps rising out from a place of remembrance. It’s a place we can’t quite “grasp” when or why, but we KNOW! Our instinct takes us there, but it’s our intuition that reminds us to shift our mind so we can get to that amazing place. That place of CONNECTION to one another. Love connects and binds us all in an infinite love. Follow your instincts!

Years ago now, Marj and I used this beautiful spider web  as we described the ultimate connection that bind us all together. We were sharing through recollections and knowing we had experienced the connection that happens in spiritual awakening moments when time seems to be suspended. We wanted to share with others because these experiences turned into such miracles in our lives! We followed our instincts and wrote The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence.

For myself it was through my Near Death Experience absorbed in an exquisite white light.  I was experiencing through all of my twelve senses unbelievable, unconditional love. I couldn’t wait to share the fabulous news that through God’s beautiful creation of our human existence ~ all human beings are and always have been interconnected through ways our earthly brain can hardly fathom! We’ve ALL been there, our lives are an exercise in remembering that unbelievable love. We will return to that love.

After Marj experienced that same unbelievable light and unconditional love in her kitchen following her daughter’s death,  connections began happening rapidly with people all around her right in our own time and space. The synchronicities and information shared were showing a connection we can barely put into words. Look at that web when something in nature disturbs the web. There is the spider quickly fixing the hole that was made. That’s like God…always there to help us as our choices create havoc in ours lives and in lives of others. Our choices affect one another.

Now, more than ever, we are realizing how important our connections with others are to our lives. Sure, most of us focus on family and friend  connections, but it’s far deeper and wider than that. World connectivity is giving us a sense of community with those in every corner of the world. A nasty virus spreading world wide would never be our choice with so much suffering, heartache and loss. But, it is helping us really visualize that we are all human, all created by the same God, and making choices daily that not only affect ourselves, but MANY others at the same time. One thread pulled from the web, disturbs the whole web.

Has God been trying to help us understand this message for thousands of years? Yes! Are we listening?  Jesus tried to tell us all of this. Far too many people thought they could somehow create a utopia of people that would follow their brand of  the just right path.  There is no just right path. History has proven that over and over again. If there is such a path…it is the pathway of love and compassion for each other as human beings experiencing LIFE in our own distinct way. Accepting others differences in compassion is a worldwide journey we are walking on now. Are we learning this quite graphically now? I think we might be. But, it takes each of us to help make all the people connections we encounter worthwhile, kind and compassionate!

We are isolating…and we realize how difficult that really is. For some it has brought anger, frustration, and controversy through political and economic gain. Many have recognized an inner struggle they’ve had for a long time. And who knows, maybe that is exactly what is needed so the problem COMES OUT and can be recognized. For MOST of humanity, our struggles have helped all of us bring love forward instead of hate and division. There’s an empathy and compassion for others living in similar communities across the globe living through the very same circumstances. We also have woken up in realization of how fortunate we ARE to have a nice home and community in which to be isolated. It’s an eye opener for some people.

In meeting a particular person, or going to a place that seems magical, our instinct is telling us to wake up and pay attention! Our natural instincts filter through some of our life’s experiences so that we are able help make the most out of the interactions with  people that come into our lives, very often  just at the right time! Some call that coincidence. Most of us that are recognizing we are on a spiritually awakening path know right away there will be meaning for us in this relationship

Look at this web. It really is a good representation of this lifetime. God’s LOVE and the awareness of that love is spreading. Our world will never be the same again. Our differences are dissolving a tiny thread at a time. We celebrate the differences instead! But, it is happening. Each time there is a big hole in the web, we can picture a flood, earthquake, pandemic, hurricane, tornado, or personal tragedy…but it is OTHER people HELPING other people that puts it back together again one thread at a time. Our CONNECTIONS are huge. God’s totally unique and unimaginable plan is threading through our existence.

More and more individuals are awakening to the realities of our existence! Isn’t that great news!

We will all get through these difficult times. We need each other and we need the doctors on the other side of the world and here too that are working tirelessly to find a solution for all of us. We are connected.

We all need a great big HUG…isn’t this a great photo of a hug in nature?!

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