While I enjoyed my two weeks off from writing, I missed the “opportunity’ to let my thoughts flow out on paper. It’s fascinating for me to realize that writing with intention is opening my own Divine Connection just like opening the door to ask…
LOVE simply is… and our heart generates an energy that is quite amazing. LOVE is the energy that holds our universe together! I loved the analogy I heard using the old “disco ball” to explain how vitally IMPORTANT each and every one of us…
I pulled the blogpost I had written for today. Instead I felt I wanted to simply write words that are sitting in my very heavy heart. The “ache” is real! This is how our Universe operates. When there are people that are suffering or…
LOVE IS an ENERGY…let’s think why the answer is so simple. Love is in the air! I know you have heard that expression or the song many times. We think of romantic love this time of year. Happy Valentines Day is expressed all around…
Our SOUL yearns for the JOY we came here to experience. CHANGE is happening all around us in nature for sure. It is always interesting to allow ourselves to BE enough in a present moment to take it ALL in. The REDS filter the…
You Are the Creator of Your Life Life seems so chaotic sometimes but yet it is so interesting how the events of any given week or two, somehow begin to form a message that helps us put meaning to our life. August 4th we attended…
I live on a very small lake and it was SO beautiful to be back home, sitting outside on our patio doing my morning meditation at sunrise on Monday. I have a morning routine of drinking my celery juice, yoga, stretching and breathing exercises…
The Light GAP is expanding for Terry Larkin and Marjorie Steiner! Come enjoy hearing our voices as we spoke to an audience at the Unity Church in Grand Rapids on Monday, January 22, 2019! The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence was written as…
Whispers from my soul began many years ago…and I kept “listening” to the messages of healing as I grew in consciousness. As so many of you know and realize, I have been attempting to put pieces of the healing puzzle together for 34 years…