Awakening INTUITION…
Awakening INTUITION…
As we open ourselves to all types of communication through our Divine Consciousness, there is an awakening to more and more…WHAT? Do we sit in our own deep awareness at all times in our earthly body? We use the word intuition, but how do we take advantage of that beautiful gift and make sure we recognize it? As we awaken more and more, we also seem to be full of questions!
I believe we can totally enjoy our daily lives and keep living life to it’s fullest by activating that spark of intuition that seems to be talking to us quite often. We all know that small voice, but do we USE that information to keep that voice talking to us. And WHO is that voice? Where is it coming from? I think it is…In the SILENCE that we ignite that spark to greater hearing, but that is only the beginning. We awaken ourselves to what will continue during our every day life activities. Marj and I gathered this summer because my intuition said “GO” when my life at the time said how can I squeeze that in such busy times?!
A lot of people feel discouraged with their meditation practice because they have an expectation they will hear important answers to questions during the silence. That is like saying we can enjoy this beautiful fire in our home fireplace by the spark that was used to start it, but the log never burned. Let’s not wait for a miracle. We can fan that spark, give it that life giving air allowing our burning desire for incredible intuition to lead us to answers that help our lives FLOW…or burn to that amazing GLOW we see in the embers of a fire!
So how can we KEEP conversations ongoing? I enjoyed turning to Suzanne Gieseman’s book entitled In The Silence: 365 Days of Inspiration from Spirit for words of wisdom.
The page is titled WAITING TO BE HEARD…
“Write down the words you hear when the Voice inside you whispers. What does it tell you to do? How does it advise you? What are its teachings? Do they make sense? Do they speak of love? How do they feel in your heart? Are you making them up? Is it your imagination? Can these words be trusted?
There is only one way to know. When the words feel right and when they will bring you no harm, act on them immediately and repeatedly. Soon you will learn discernment and trust. As your life takes a turn for the better and flows with a rhythm and smoothness never before experienced, you will ask yourself, “Why did I not listen sooner?”
Write down the words. It is not your imagination. How could Spirit speak to you, if not through your imagination? Trust us, your unseen helpers. We are here and we are waiting to be heard.” Channeled by Suzanne Giesemann through Sanaya.
In this picture of Suzanne Giesemann and myself, it was my intuition that said, go, SPEAK your truth at IANDS. I was terrified, but so blessed…it changed the trajectory of my life! It was there that I spent time talking with Suzanne on a very personal level.
It was also intuition that sent Marj and I to attend one of Suzanne’s live workshops…which led Marj to have a reading with Suzanne to connect with her daughter Anne! POWERFUL!
Our lives were flowing! The next year when I was more comfortable as an International IANDS conference speaker, I was still following my intuition to GO and overcome even more insecurities to speak again knowing I would mention my recent discoveries of Reconnective Healing! I was FEELING my heart’s energy in such a huge way…that year I met and sat at a table for lunch with Eben Alexander…now so famously known through his many books about his own NDE as a brain surgeon. I was so blessed by his conversation with me.
*YES…follow YOUR intuition! Your life can CHANGE and FLOW in incredible ways! Oh, and did we realize MIRACLES had happened? Maybe only now on looking back!