
Awakening is a term used for so many people to help quantify their spiritual growth process. We are ALL in such different places on our journey. I think that is for a very important reason! I believe it is so we can “connect” with each other in ONENESS crisscrossing in beautiful ways to HELP navigate even more progress in our remembering journey. THAT is why FOLLOWING our path of Intuition is so very important to our progress.
Last week I wrote a post entitled Awakening INTUITION. Those thoughts were really the beginning of the thoughts and suggestions you will find in this writing. If you didn’t get a chance to read that post or you would like to refresh your memory, click here and you will be able to connect to that page on our website.
As I finished writing last week, my intuition gave me a really big NUDGE to share WHY I believe we are able to keep hearing through communication from the Universal Mind. As this quote states, “Intuition is a spiritual faculty and does not explain, but simply points the way.” In other words, WE have to be the ones to carry that thought into ACTION.
I strongly believe that the vibrating energy in and around every individual, as well as in everything we visually see in our environment, is carrying the LIGHT and INFORMATION to any of us that decide to seek that information or engage with IT! I don’t understand how really, but I do think that science is beginning to help us understand that there is all encompassing ENERGY that is keeping us alive. That energy is allowing our communication along with everyone and everything in our Universe!
Let me say that again…there is an all encompassing ENERGY that facilitates communication!
When I heard a fairly new voice, Geoffrey Hoppe, speak on a podcast from Next Level Soul, interviewed by the amazing interviewer Alex Ferarri, I was able to link into some concepts that he was sharing with the world. I knew them and that is always an indication for me to write down what resonates with me. Geoffrey has been channeling for over 30 years. First from Tobias, an old testament name you might recognize, and now Adamus St. Germaine. He talks of Shakespeare and Mark Twain being part of that entity. Many of his words simply rang like a deep truth in my own knowing. His concepts are very deep and sometimes confusing, but I found him fascinating. Here are a few of the words that he was sharing. I thought you might like to read them and see if any of them resonate with YOU.
Once some of these concepts arrive in our limited brain/mind we can begin to integrate daily routines to help us navigate it all in balance with our life!
- “Quantum Physics is going to discover what energy really is…ENERGY is just COMMUNICATION.”
- Falling apart is “evolving” – it’s not pleasant but light needs to be brought to any dark space.
- Distractions come in life…dark night of the soul makes visitations to release them and bring light to your life.
- YOU are the OBSERVER! As an observer you become the energy of light.
- The worthiness of US is our strength in awareness. .
- Once you “LET GO” to that higher power ~your knowledge is transmuted WISDOM. By a leap of faith we are guided every step of the way.
- What is letting go? Let go of the junk, the fear and the guilt…our greatest fear is power ~ YOURS, but you are too wise.
- Our purpose is to understand our relationship to consciousness ~ Pure AWARENESS.
- Your own energy goes from normal to the reality of light through the process of awakening.
- There is enough Consciousness on the planet right now lifting the veil allowing more LIGHT to shine in! WOW, that means more love, compassion, kindness, caring, giving and receiving!
One of my biggest connections was hearing that Quantum Physics is going to “discover” what energy REALLY is…ENERGY is just communication? What a statement. Through Reconnective Healing I had so often heard that we are simply in the field of energy, light, and information. That we ARE the observer making the connection to our source and ALLOWING the connection to be there for another person. That’s our giving ~ and receiving to return to the BALANCE that is the love we were created to LIVE.
Once we have recognized a pattern in our lives that helps us AWAKEN the intuition that lives in every single one of us, then we can FOLLOW that intuition in ways we never imagined possible. There might be a challenge to keep that awakening and the following of intuition alive in our hearts, but as the expression goes, WE CAN DO IT! It might be a leap of faith to except that you are guided, but give it a try!
Be OPEN…and walk, hike, stop and reflect, but go through that new door of learning. Follow your OWN path. Our lives are a result of all the doors we have walked through…and through new growth and understanding we can keep moving through, in and around through so many more!
May I suggest that you print out the WORDS in the list I made that resonated with you. For myself I have found I need to READ the words I wrote out again and again. Then I put on my earphones, turn to You Tube for amazing healing sounds and music…READ and absorb in the quiet.
ENJOY…your own journey! And watch next week for a list of suggestions for daily connections to help navigate…but before next week, WRITE down what your list looks like! You may find that YOUR list is far superior…because YOU are an amazing person! God’s love never has conditions, I hope you have internalized that!