Heart Centered PRACTICES

 Heart Centered PRACTICES…SIMPLE ones!

Our lives are complicated. Sometimes there is a type of peace that simply arrives. It can even take us off guard because we  know there are difficult challenges wrapped into that peace. And yet, if you have experienced this and wonder why the peace is grounding you, it is a vey SIMPLE. We are supported by the Universe! There is something very magical about allowing ourselves to TRUST Divine Intelligence.

Lifting our hearts in true unconditional love for ourselves allows us the freedom to step back and say YES, thank you! Peace arrives as we accept that we are perfectly okay, wherever we ARE in our learning. I AM in my own journey to understand it all, but there’s no place to be except RIGHT where I AM. Developing patience in myself is a practice I use in one way or another every single day. I surrender to what IS while practicing. The wisdom that lives in my heart tells me this every day.

I know how powerful the “learning” seeds that were planted in me during my NDE have grown and matured in uncountable ways. I’ve learned how to allow the planting of more and more seeds.

Here are a few of my own practices and with adjustments for your individuality…I hope you enjoy and benefit from them.


  • Surrender to your heart’s wisdom. Be grateful for its presence. Say words of gratitude every day. Touch your heart, close your eyes for just a few seconds to block out distractions, and simply say, THANK YOU for being my guiding light! Who am I thanking? My Divine Self.
  • Plant the seeds of empowerment. Feel free to name your seeds with an intention. Water them with joy, kindness, compassion and love. Watch them blossom!
  • Your heart is your compass ~ open to your subconscious mind and listen to the whispers of your heart.
  • Your life is a gift, open it! You are totally unique and have full freedom of choice! Now go out and PLAY…with the life you’ve been given with no regrets. No thoughts of why you are playing need to surface.
  • TRUST that all is happening perfectly for your path. There’s a pure unfolding…of YOU.  Release worries of not knowing. We are supported by the Universe.
  • Your feelings are a barometer for the weather of life. Fear, pain and frustration are most likely pointing to an imbalance. Your heart will help you remember. If you accept no regrets, you will experience the peace you deserve anyway! From within you an activation of healing and comfort are engaged.

Now put all of those bolded words from above together. Surrender, plant, listen, PLAY, TRUST, feel, and experience. That is a simple practice. It’s a recipe for joy to simply BE ALIVE in you at any time!

At our last Spiritual EXCHANGE Circle in September, on ZOOM,  I designed and read the following words in a meditation ~ healing for all those amazing people that I was blessed to be with. I was asked if I would type out the words so they could use them again. So…here are the words. Those of you that understand my life, KNOW, I too have many challenges. I do however make sure that through my practices I bring in joy and peace on a daily basis.

This is another very simple and yet powerful practice to put in place in your life. YouTube is filled with beautiful wordless music videos for meditation. Simply find one that “speaks” in musical tones to your heart.

Feel free to read these words slowly and deliberately to yourself while the music helps to take you on a peaceful journey. OR write and design some words for your own heart’s agenda! YOU are powerful beyond measure. I found I needed to write my words down so that I TOO could receive the blessing of hearing them. For me sharing them was a great blessing,  giving them to YOU is the greatest blessing of all. THANK you beautiful souls for your request and listening to the words I wrote…and from where did they come? The Universe’s Intelligence of course.

  1. I am breathing love into every cell of my being.
  2. My body is relaxed and my mind is at ease.
  3. I surrender all my aspirations and worries to the higher intelligence of life.
  4. I trust that everything is taken care of…through love.
  5. My heart is in balance, my emotions are in harmony and I am filled with inner peace.
  6. Do not harden when fear arrives. Soften…believe…surrender…LOVE.
  7. I feel safe and I willingly let my guard down.
  8. I allow myself to enter into a space of deep surrender and trust.
  9. I believe in the healing power of love.
  10. I welcome the healing power of love into my heart, mind, and body.
  11. I allow love to heal me.
  12. I surrender…that love is real and I am worthy of it.
  13. I am opening my heart to the unimaginable presence and power of love that lives within me.
  14. My heart is open…and I am filling it with love.
  15. My open heart attracts an abundance of love and blessings into my life.
  16. I soften into the warm embrace of love that always nests within my heart.
  17. There is a beautiful love story unfolding in me. Through me as me…
  18. I AM love and guided by love every moment of every day.



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