We KNOW we are part of ONE whole Universe. Some people view themselves as very separate from that whole. When in our journey of awakening does a person recognize their own ONENESS in this vast Universe? Are we ALL simply getting only glimpses of our own reality?
We are living this life on the planet earth. We feel so insignificant when we think of our small world right in our own community, let alone feeling connected to all humans on our planet. And yet, we are praying to one God of the whole Universe. Mind boggling. So…how can we “feel” the ONENESS that keeps us part of the WHOLE.
Do we ever see the WHOLE picture or is that simply beyond our brain’s capacity in this human skull of ours?
As I began to put my own thoughts into writing, I got my daily ACIM Lesson from Miracle Distribution Center. These are daily messages from the Course in Miracles and I’d like to quote Lesson 173…
God is but LOVE, and therefore so am I... I will step back and let Him lead the way.
God is but Love, and therefore so am I…I walk with God in perfect holiness.
God is but Love, and therefore so am I.
So many people who have had Near Death Experiences have made attempts to put into words a description of their experiences absorbed into that pure unconditional love of wholeness. If God is ONLY love, then I too am only LOVE. I felt that and experienced it for myself the minute I left my body. And yet, our human existence can make us feel separate from that amazing love. Our journey as ONE seems to be simple steps, one at a time through discovery.
Can we SEE the whole picture? I believe we fall very short when we think we even have a small glimpse of the whole?
Recently we ALL either experienced or heard of other’s adventures watching the moon and the sun finding each other in the vastness of space. We call it an eclipse and the phenomena is natural about every year and a half. We are not always in a place to be able to see it, yet it is happening regardless. But, somehow we all felt the unusual feelings that go with changes through the gift of the WHOLE of the Universe.
I was in North Carolina during this event. We were on the road, and while we stopped to try and take it in, we were only seeing a slight darkness, a flat look to the sunny cloudless sky, and a slight dip in temperature. BUT, here is a thought for all of you. In LIFE are we always looking through the lens of “glasses”? Instead of cardboard glasses, our filter is our human brain and our ever interpreting mind. Are we EVER seeing the whole picture? Each of us has our own answer to that, but for myself I doubt I will SEE or understand the whole in my present human form. However, each time I open my mind further…LIFE comes crashing in!
Let me take you on a walk through the light and imagination of an amazing man, Dale Chihuly. For a minute, study this photo taken as we stopped at The Biltmore Estate in North Carolina. They had a special new exhibit featuring everything Chihuly…glasswork that is so incredible. I found myself walking through the unbelievable mind of a master. You can click on this photo. But, you need to realize that this is a ROOM sized display and the tallest points of glass that are tall and red are probably 12 feet tall.
Through my mind’s eye, I was seeing incredible colors simply lifting off through the mirror image as they sat on glass.
While I would SEE so much more after walking all around this amazing sculpture of glass, I was seeing a totally different sight no matter where I stood. There is something that happens when we take in the vastness of our life in the same way. There is a different view at each step of our life!
We WISH to see and experience MORE and MORE once we’ve had a glimpse into the amazing LOVE of God through an experience that altered our consciousness level. I can only think of the words…a return to wholeness that is our true nature. It is so easy to get stuck on our own little corner with the illusion of “rightness”, not of a place, but through our mind’s eye.
Humanities Team had a quote from Einstein that helped me think through my thoughts of ONENESS and our state of BEING in a vast Universe, knowing that my small and insignificant thread of existence CAN and does make a difference in the whole.
“A human being is part of a whole, called by us the Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences his thoughts and feelings, as something separated from the rest – a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires for a few persons nearest us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” ~ Albert Einstein
I know and understand that Einstein is not simply talking about incredible creativity in nature, but the WHOLE of mankind and everyone and everything in it! YES, I was taken with the beautiful glass sculptures I experienced and loved. But, did I embrace the tiny features up close? They are just as critical to the WHOLE as my human brain interprets the beauty from the incredible details of Chihuly’s work.
“Free ourselves from this prison by widening our circles of compassion…” Those words from Einstein really helped me realize that it is only our “limited” mind that keeps us in that prison. We can expand our thinking at any moment. Feelings of separateness causes such emotional damage. Together we can create a more compassionate and caring world. We can connect with that place we call heaven and our OWN eternal home. We have the compassion built into our being. It’s okay that I don’t have the whole picture…we are totally meant to grow while totally enjoying LIFE in the here and now. And when we need help?
“Please help me.” This prayer is an acknowledgment that you cannot do it all on your own. Oh, how the human wants to be independent. Do not let the ego fool you. Inside and outside and beyond all sides is a part of you that cannot be separated from you or your Source. You may call this the soul. The soul has no qualms about asking for help. Find this part of you that is always here, that wants help from others because it knows this is how you grow and thrive. Tapping into the soul is simple. Simply ask for help. You are so very loved.”
~ Suzanne Gieseman Awakens Way…GOD is LOVE and so are we!
So profound!
“There is a different view at each step of our lives.”
That is SO true Mary…especially when we recognize it!