It’s in Every One of Us

“…human beings have within them the birthright of capacities for knowing and participating in a much larger and deeper Reality.”

Jean Houston in the Preface of Godseed.

I woke up today with the song in my head, “It is in every one of us to be wise. Find your heart, open up both your eyes.  We can all know everything without ever knowing why…”  written by David Pomeranz. David shares what I feel too on his web page, “I want to share with people the joy I feel when I am being blown away by amazing music.”

I want to share with you the joy I feel when I am searching and expanding my view of how this LIFE works. Ever circling us is the joy of the universe.  Help comes in many ways.  To name a few:

  • God’s small voice that I hear, sometimes clearly, sometimes it feels like my own but carries wisdom I do not recognize as my own.
  • A friend calls just when I need encouragement or a feeling of community or our conversation leads to an insight.
  • Music and the lyrics from music on the radio delivers a message that gives me insight and inspiration.
  • Books come to my attention that when read, my understanding is expanded, therefore lighting my way.

I listen to my inner voice with better clarity first thing in the morning.  However, we are all unique.  You know the time that is best for you.  What is happening when these connections are made?  A couple of things at least.  First, we are all being helped, all the time.  Once you believe that, you will begin to experience it by being conscious instead of unconscious of your ability.  The capacity to communicate is built into humans.  Within we have a receiver like the receivers that pull the radio waves from the atmosphere.  There is a guidance system built in!  Second, we may have been thinking about an insight for some time and the lyrics of a song or the message on the page of the book may give us a message that we are on the right track, keep going.

One of the authors that gave me so many insights and methods to move forward was, and still is a go-to, Wayne Dyer.  Just hearing the titles of the books begins the process; Wisdom of the Ages, The Power of Intention, You’ll See It When You Believe It, Ten Secrets for Success and Inner Peace, There’s a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem, Excuses Begone!

 Figuring out an expanded view of God is like putting a puzzle together. Our cultural conditioning is strong.  Compare and contrast.  Putting new beliefs into place is a task of courage, trust and time.  For me, the question lingered.  Do I believe this?  I don’t want to go off in some crazy place… but at the same time my intuition, my inner knowing is saying to me, this makes more sense than what I was taught.   Then one day a new belief would fell into place allowing me to move forward.  It is an exciting journey.  May it be so for you too.

The Universe is beaconing us! 
Do you hear and feel it in your life?




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