Merry…is the SEASON!

Every smile we meet, every laugh we experience and every sad tear that is shed…it is ALL part of the MERRY SEASON that is surrounding all of us. We can shout Merry Christmas through the snowflakes, thank Jesus for being born, while sitting deep within us is the JOY that every moment brings.

Tomorrow is what all of us call Christmas Eve…and yet the date is not really the important message of the season. We believe that it is the caring and sharing of LIFE with one another that is important. We set aside TIME to enjoy those we love.  It is why we say “LOVE IS the reason for the season!”

As you gather with those around you that are special in your life, it is the expressions of LOVE that keep us grounded in this human life. No matter what is happening in our lives or who might be missing from our usual table full of laughter, celebration is important! The celebrations don’t always mean that everything is wonderful. I do remember there was a time in my life that I couldn’t imagine a celebration unless everything was perfect! Oh, how the aging process, awakening to truth, and LIFE changes our thoughts on THAT one! Simply enjoying the time with family and friends sounds so much easier. I do not believe LIFE was meant to be difficult, but simply the awakening of each one of us to the unbelievable truth that GOD is pure love and SO are we!

Our words are simple today… LOVE one another! Wasn’t that the REAL Christmas message over 2,000 years ago?

Our wishes for Christmas:

“That all wars will stop! That all people will experience Peace, Joy, and Love!” ~ Marj

 “That all hearts will embrace the ONENESS of us all through love and accept our differences as beautiful expressions of God”. ~ Terry

Our sister Lynne had a really important message at the end of her Christmas letter.

“Our prayers go out to all those who don’t have enough food or warm shelter or hope. We trust 2023 will be a better year for all of those experiencing suffering of one kind or another.” It is such a beautiful sentiment, I wanted to share it with all of you. Thank you Bob and Lynne Krainer!

We hope you will allow yourself time to refresh by allowing nature’s healing hands to touch your soul. Take time to to walk among the trees that are barren and resting without a thought about producing anything! Just like those trees, our roots dig deep into the soil of our LIVES. We thrive on the resting of our life’s journey and instead go within to ENJOY the fruits of joy, peace, strength, courage, gratitude, compassion and of course LOVE. We are healing that amazing place that lies within us through our soul. Joy to the WORLD is not just a message for our world, it is a message for each and every one of us in our own “world” filled with LOVE!

Through LOVE and LIGHT have an AMAZING Holiday Season!  We will see you again in the NEW year on January 6, 2023!

Terry & Marj

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