Spiritual Revolution?
WOW…what a concept. What would it be like in our world if we were all participants in a Spiritual Revolution? Well, maybe we are in one right now! Using the word “Revolution” helps us realize that it’s an upheaval of some sort that could make a huge difference in our world. Perhaps instead of condemning each other, resorting to violence, and fighting wars…we could be living in a peaceful existence where compassion, kindness and love for one another regardless of differences would be the ruling voice!
Before I write more on this topic, I have to let you know that this is not a term I made up or created. I was listening to NBC’s Today Show when they were interviewing Comedic actor, producer and writer Rainn Wilson. He is the cofounder of the a media company called SoulPancake. His media company explores the “problem-solving benefits that spirituality gives us to create solutions for an increasingly challenging world.” This is a quote from the inside flap of his newest book called Soul Boom: Why We Need A SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION. What a great title. During the interview, I was taken with his ideas and how eloquently he spoke about how badly spiritually is needed in today’s world, all through his great sense of humor. You might know Rain Wilson better as the actor that played Dwight on the TV program The Office. None of us can quite picture this “actor” writing this book because of course we have stereotyped him in his role on the show!
Of course I had to order the book and now that I’ve read it, we need many more “known” people just like him speaking up in our world! The book is very different than most all of my spiritual reading over the years, but just like in real life I found myself laughing in places all the way through it. His sense of humor is genuine and his story telling ability is very real. He writes about his life and how his own spiritual journey began just like so many people…developing over time since he was young. At times you are laughing, because he can make you feel good even while sharing very difficult trials in life.
Rain uses quotes from so many of the great spiritual leaders throughout the ages, as well as people I have never heard of, but wish I had known! He especially respects ones that were known for various different reasons through their writing, play acting, music or their life played out on a bigger stage becoming famous for one reason or another. He also uses themes from what he calls nature’s masterpiece, Finding the Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard. I read that book a number of years ago and simply loved the concepts that she was sharing through validated research. If you are still living the old Darwinian concept of “survival of the fittest in nature”…that book will forever change you. She revolutionized how botanists and ecologists theorized about how a forest works, changing instead into a tale of cooperation, connection, and mutual support.
Rainn Wilson was suggesting taking that very same concept for a SPIRITUAL Revolution! Using Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s quote “The atomized homogeneous groups that existed in the past are no longer the truth of our world. We must recognize that we are part of one group, one family – the human family. Our survival as a planet depends on it. We are part of one family, and we are fundamentally good.” Rainn goes on to explain, “Now that’s a story for us to get behind.”
I loved his suggestion that, “We will not obtain this story from any current world leader, politician, or internet personality, but rather think of it as something we all visualize, create, and hope for collectively.” Visualize, create, and hope is such a grand and wonderful goal for all of us to latch onto in our minds. So many of the people that both Marj and I have read and loved over the years like Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Neale Donald Walsh, The Course of Miracles, and Deepak Chopra and too many to mention here, are all saying the same thing. We CAN visualize and create, that is the law of the Universe. I say, “Let’s DO IT TOGETHER!” Click on this photo that says, “Awareness is the awakening of the soul…it’s a vibrational shift into higher consciousness.” There are images in the photo on MANY levels. It is so very beautiful.
Rainn’s style is to put it into story form, calling it a new “mythology”. We have all read old mythology and wonder in our minds how much of it was actually REAL ? Did it become the REAL norm through the mind early in time? Did indigenous people have things in a better perspective long ago. I say YES, they did. There is so much more in this book, but here is Rainn’s vision.
“The new legend of the Homo sapiens: When humans lived in caves and villages, community was everything. We sought safety, warmth, love and family in the collective. We communed with nature, understood it, feared it, lived in harmony with it. Over the years, we aimed high and dreamed big, invented world-changing ideas and concepts, worked together to eradicate diseases, came together to try to solve problems and fight evil. Sadly, along the way, we also lost sight of our inherently sacred and spiritual selves. We found ourselves at a crossroads. Humankind had a choice: keep doing what we’ve always done or hit restart. WE took a bold and revolutionary path of hopefulness, relying on the idea that the human spirit is inherently good, to build a new world based on heart-centered wisdom. We left behind our selfish, aggressive ways and came together as one family. And the result? Humanity achieved peace and unity and found, dare we say it…joy“.
~Rainn Wilson Pg. 224 SOUL BOOM: Why We Need a SPIRITUAL REVOLUTION
YES…we not only NEED a Spiritual Revolution, I believe in my heart that it has already begun and all of you are part of it along with Marj and I every day of our lives!
“May your day be as special as your heart, as warm as your smile, and beautiful as your laugh of joy!”
There is a conversation OnBeing Krista Tippett with this same man, Rain, on her podcasts from a year or 2 ago. He has significant and fascinating ideas!
Thank you for sharing that Lynne! YES, I agree he has some very significant and fascinating ideas. The book is worth reading!