LAUGH Out Loud!

What are those laugh out loud moments you can remember in your life? This morning as I sat down to write, I thought about my spiritual beliefs. KNOWING I always have angels and guides to help me, I wondered if God or my angels ever simply have a good laugh about the worrisome thoughts rolling around in my head or the silly things I do. So, what is it that always brings a smile to my face?  Even more than THAT, what makes me laugh OUT LOUD? As you can imagine, when Marj and I are together we have many smiles and laughs. Our family too loves a good laugh.

I have to share one of our laughable moments while we were in Hawaii. At times our accommodations were a little cramped and for one night, Marj and I were sharing a bathroom. We were running behind getting ready to take off for the day and so of course we both dashed into the bathroom at the same time to get our hair fixed and looking beautiful.  Of course our brother, Bill, thought this was the funnies thing he’d ever seen and he dashes in with the phone camera to capture the moment. The LAUGHS came when he showed us the picture. Oh my…to funny, we CAN laugh at ourselves. Bill certainly had a good laugh too.

I think it is very important sometimes simply to remember NOT to take life OR myself so seriously! It is far too easy to let our disappointments or worries about the future take over when a laugh back at ourselves might be even more important. It certainly is healthier.

And did you know that there is such a thing as LAUGHING Yoga? There is…and you know what? It is LOTS of fun.

I loved the suggestion I heard Suzanne Gieseman say one time to a group of participants in her workshop. Just put your worries in a box ~ and put a lid on it!! NO PEEKING! I wonder if I could do that and keep that lid closed for a full day. I loved the words Sanaya used for Suzanne Giesemann to share with all of us about not taking ourselves so seriously.

RAISING THE SPIRITS was the title…I think there is a pun there considering Sanaya IS a spirit being!

“Do you think those on the other side have no sense of humor? Quite the contrary. We are quite aware of the healing effects of laughter.

There is no better way to raise the spirits than to enjoy some fun. That is what life is all about – raising the spirits. To make another laugh is to bring about a heart connection. There is a great connection between love and laughter. Of course we do not speak of laughter at the expense of another, but laughter for the pure joy that comes from seeing the humor in life’s adventures.

Do not take life so seriously. Raise the roof with laughter and raise the world’s vibration in doing so.”

~  IN THE SILENCE: 365 Days of Inspiration from Spirit by Suzanne Giesemann

When I think of the angels up there laughing, there are actually old and famous statues of angels laughing. This one is from the Reims Cathedral of Notre-Dame in Reims, France. We saw many in Italy as we were traveling through many of the big cities.  Perhaps there were some old world early psychic people channeling information as well as ones today!

We all love comedy on TV or on a live stage. But, quite honestly, I think it is really the laughter in our every day lives with the people we love and care about that are the MOST significant. I know my grandchildren can certainly bring out the laughter in me. And, I realize that in conversations with friends I do a lot of laughing. People comment on how much they appreciate and love that about me. I no longer get angry at myself for silly mistakes, I can simple chuckle and decide there’s always a next time to do better. My soul smiles right along with that laugh.

LIFE simply IS…so have fun! We can relax and count on our angels and guides to help us see differently. All we have to do is ask! We have that choice. God’s love is so powerful for each and every one of us. When we lighten our load it can help us feel the love we truly ARE.





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