Bonding With People Through Stories

What JOY Terry and I experienced last week as we met with a faith group of women to share our stories from our book The Light Gap: God’s Amazing Presence. Within the week, I met with another faith group for the same purpose. The group’s energies merged as the conversation expanded with all of the voices.

As we talked about our experiences of encountering God and Life beyond this realm through LIGHT and Near Death, a bond was created with long-time friends and people we were meeting for the first time.

Life in many ways is about story telling!

In this case, it is our own stories of delving into the mysteries of life for many years. It is the story of knowing that life goes on after death and presenting the evidence, as we now know it. Terry and I experienced being enveloped by LIGHT, a voiceless communication; and for Terry also color and music. We were being showered with indescribable love, joy, and peace at a soul-crushing time.

Ours is the story of dreams and coincidences that brought real information. It told me that my daughter was alive in a new place. It told Terry that she had a chance to live out her current life, would heal quickly from the accident, and teach others healing concepts. The experiences told Terry and I that the life God plans for us will feed us daily if we are just willing to listen.

The amazing reality of these opportunities to share with these wonderful women was that TRUST was created in a very short time and they began to share their own stories of God’s presence. These experiences had been so profound in their lives, yet had not been shared often for fear they would not be believed by others. Terry and I can certainly relate to that and we could hear God’s truth in these amazing stories! We – all of us at one point or other – just don’t talk about unusual experiences for another reason. We have a need to seem normal.

It is suggested by Richard Rohr in his April 12, 2018 Center for Action and Contemplation meditation:

“… that the early ego creates itself by comparison or negation, by how we are not like others. It likes to differentiate. The ego then holds onto this falsely created sense of superiority at all cost.”

And it is at a great cost that we cannot take in the hope and truth that is brought into our lives when we have an experience of the divine intersecting our lives. When these experiences of God – of our souls – are shared with others, energy in the form of peace, love, and joy are released. It is a huge gift!

Sometimes we are sharing events in our lives that shook us to our core. Or brought us great relief from a trauma. When we share with others, we experience surrendering our need to control everything and a release that increases our trust in God.


We were meant to be ‘broken open’ to LOVE, that is ours for the taking. Sharing is divine energy that we can feel! It is life giving! Thank you to all who have gathered with us in this process of healing.

2 Comments on “Bonding With People Through Stories

  1. Hi Marj,
    It was wonderful to see you last week and to hear about your journey in person. I have read your book but it was quite a while ago. Wonderful meeting Terry as well.

    Love, Melissa

    • Melissa,

      It was wonderful to see you too. We loved being with your group. Thank you for the invitation! The sharing of stories really fed me spiritually. It takes a village applies to woman growing in faith too. I keep expanding my beliefs and then I see
      god working in amazing ways.

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