Our Spirit Nurtured by the WORLD

Our inner world that is spirit is constantly nurtured by the world around us! Quantam Physics today has expanded what is possible if we open our mind to endless possibilities! Our brain is often trapped into old beliefs and is affected not only by our spiritual beliefs, but by our scientific mind about what is possible! I know that my NDE opened my mind to realizations about our existence as humans. Little did I realize that I would begin questioning science written in the textbooks in which I was required to teach! It is the inquiring mind that has taken Marj and I on our amazing journey. We all have a very creative thoughts. The ability to question what others say is TRUTH is a gift from God. I hope you have that ability to always QUESTION…and then go within for answers and open your mind to new research! You might be amazed. In fact, I hope you ALWAYS question our ideas and search within yourself for answers!

As I experienced 10 days away from the normal, I found myself totally integrated into my life of both human and spirit. Alaska brought out moments of total awe for me. Thinking about my human side and spirit side is not the usual thought processes that I went through as I traveled until I understood  that life is our playground to explore, love, enjoy and grow our soul.  I know that many of you are scratching your head and wondering about the growth. Is it knowledge? YES, of course. Is its wisdom? YES, in the most humblest of ways. Is it spiritual growth?  Absolutely!

My husband, Doug and I, were traveling on a huge cruise ship for the first time. We have been so many places around the globe, but never in a big cruise ship. In a way, I was a bit fearful that I would not like it because of the size and magnitude of people living and co-existing on a ship that holds 8,000 people! But, it was time for a new experience! We traveled with good friends and two other couples we did not know well, but thoroughly enjoyed! And during my totally awe struck moments, I realized once again…it is PEOPLE in this beautiful playground of an existence that totally enrich our lives in every way. I met many people coming and going on elevators every day…all traveling their own path of existence.

Wow…the diversity was awesome! Because I have learned to read energy levels in people, there were some totally awesome people as we fed upon the energy of each other! There were others that drained my energy in mere moments for reasons I will never know. I did not KNOW any of these people! There were others that were very similar in energy to either my husband or myself, and others that only brought my energy down momentarily due again to reasons I will never know! Why is this important for me to write a blog about? I could write a huge travel log instead…it was an amazing trip of cruising, excursions, history, totally amazing people including our captain who was entertainment from day one, and awesome Alaskan beauty beyond words. But, I am hoping you will hear words of encouragement to pursue your dreams and  take every chance you have to be out in our incredible world God has given us. Soak up every bit of positive energy your body can absorb.

There was a time in my life when I never thought about my body’s energy and where it might be going. Being aware of the positive or negative energy around you can make a difference to your health! When I encounter negative energy now in people, I choose to send these complete strangers a silent message of love and compassion. It’s amazing what it does to my own energy level. Or, if I find myself in low energy mode due to negative thoughts for any reason, I use that same method of self-love and compassion. I simply touch my heart and say with gratitude, “Peace, Harmony, Love, Laughter.” My heart & brain become synchronized and my energy bounces right back!

One morning we were traveling up into the area called Tracy Arm Fiord. I was tired after a night of celebration and really just wanted to sleep in! BUT, as always happens, I have this nudging to get up… and I have realized that it is not just my internal alarm clock. I believe my angels WAKE me up when there is an opportunity. ( It’s really OK if you don’t follow this line of thinking!) I only mention this now because on some mornings I actually hear words that bolt me out of sleep. Most times it is a quiet nudging that won’t let me go back to sleep! I have learned over time to listen in ways I never knew existed. I got up on a rolling ship, pulled back the heavy curtains to realize that there is slight light out on our deck. While I figured it was cold out there, I went out and sat on our deck chairs in the morning coolish air. Oh my…I experienced one of the most amazing sunrises! It was totally quiet…I couldn’t hear a sound from anywhere on this huge ship. God was speaking to ME…as He/She always speaks to EVERY one of us! I had the most amazing meditation out there with NO music even though I actually took my ear phones out there with me knowing I’d want the music for meditation  from my phone. I didn’t use it, the time was precious in every way in it’s silence.

As I experienced the cultural aspects of Alaska, it always amazes me to realize the indigenous tribes lived here thousands of years ago! Do we conceptualize that the Inuit Tribes lived before Christ? Their totem poles told stories about their family heritage over centuries. These older ones are preserved in a museum as newer replicas grace the cities of Alaska. We took pictures of them everywhere. All of us struggle to fill in the family tree over  a century of time. And yet, what I realized every day in Alaska, we are ALL ONE! Most of us struggle over this concept. It took me YEARS after my NDE to get it, but the most practical way to conceptualize it is…

We live as ONE, we operate as ONE, we were created in ONE and everything we do and create in our life is in that ONE. Everything each one of us does and experiences affects everyone on the planet! I knew that not only was I to enjoy this amazing experience, love went with me every step of the way.  As I smiled and talked with strangers…they too smiled and on went the love between human beings that do not even know each other! Those I met that seemed to be sad, upset or angry about life that day can and do affect us too. Once you are aware of that energy force (science proves this!) we can alter the environment and bring positive energy and change lives.

I returned home with so many pictures, we can’t possibly share them even with our family. Our spiritual side knows what an amazing leap we take as humans as we LET our spiritual soul take over.  We can help humanity experience  LOVE instead of judgment, we ALL can do that in every corner of our existence.




“The natural things you see around you are but a reflection of the human soul….changeable, majestic, peaceful at times, stormy at others, but beautiful in their very nature. You now realize the importance of preserving your natural environment – these treasures which require care and safekeeping- but do you not realize that the soul  requires tending as well?

Nurture your spirit. Treat all souls with loving care and watch how they grow and flourish. Love is the fertilizer. Spread it freely and reap the harvest.”

~ Sanaya….from spirit compiled by Suzanne Giesemann. Love Beyond Words  August 9



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