Celebrating MILESTONES

How often do you celebrate YOU?!

It’s an interesting thought to ponder. I could have celebrated many intersections where my growth in understanding my spiritual self took sharp turns. But who stops to celebrate Spiritual MILESTONES? This week I decided to share with you WHY I believe it might be a beautiful way to indulge ourselves.

I’ve had a WEEK of celebration as Doug and I celebrated  50 years of marriage. I guess when you’ve got 50 years of memories to relive, it’s OKAY to stretch it out over much longer than just one day. In fact tonight as my brother and his wife  helped us celebrate, he suggested that it is perfectly okay to celebrate for the entire year. WOW, what a GREAT idea!

Going to New York to celebrate was simply one step. The actual beautiful celebration began as we went back through our memories to form the large picture view. It was like this view of NY as we flew in. Instead of taking a magnifying glass to identify certain buildings we loved the expansive view. We took a really good look at  how and why we are celebrating a BEAUTIFUL love story!

For those of you that have read our book, The Light GAP:God’s Amazing Presence know that we took a long hard look at our own life progress as we created our “Ladders of Growth” in the chapter 9  about balancing life! We worked hard to discover our own spiritual MILESTONES occurring in our lives up to 2016 when our book was published!

You can look back on page 168-171 and see the places where we really should have been celebrating these MILESTONES in our own lives. We called them”climbing the ladders of our life” one rung at a time! YES, we needed a celebration, even during difficult times.We shared Dr. Abraham Maslow’s work because he helps us understand that every single one of us goes through this same pattern living in our very human bodies as a spiritual being. What spiritual MILESTONES can you celebrate in your own life?  Do you celebrate?

This past weekend, I helped a group of 90 people in New York celebrate as they completed their live training to become  Foundational Practitioners of Reconnective Healing. In a way, I decided I was celebrating myself too…my own progress in helping others through Reconnective Healing.

I realize that I needed to CELEBRATE by recognizing there is  a new ladder with lots of steps as I climb to the top of a fresh new one. And yet it’s not about becoming a healer, it’s about ME clearing the fog of understanding and expanding my journey at a much deeper level.

Both Marj and I could take another ladder and fill it up with new learning! It’s been four years since the publication of our book, there has been steady growth with so much more to share and we could CELEBRATE it all!

Spiritual MILESTONES, life progress MILESTONES, and human life MILESTONES all have something in common. It’s upon reflection back that we realize our light from within is shining brighter on a world that needs our LOVE to shine through!

Doug and I were treated to a mailbox FULL of cards!  Our son who couldn’t be with us due to distance spread the word and wanted us to have a shower of cards from family and friends from all of the places we have lived and traveled. He succeeded for sure…

THAT is called a Celebrating MILESTONES. Life is about people (not places) and our ONENESS with them through our shared love.

NOW, I would really like YOU to think about yourself. Do you celebrate your life progress? Or, do you worry it has or will fall short somehow? God’s unconditional love is following your life progress…without judgement! You ARE enough always as you take every step. So, why not celebrate your own spiritual milestones TODAY! Treat yourself with the same love God has for you. Celebrate LIFE and indulge yourself in PURE LOVE.

This card we received has a message written on  it. Of course it was written with two people in mind, but when we realize we have countless other human beings, God, angels and guides to help share our load…we CAN celebrate instead of worry!

“The best kind of love is the kind that shares the load, goes the distance and has fun along the way.” 

These words are perfect for ALL OF US in our everyday existence!


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