Health CARE

“Healing is ALWAYS personal. Healing is a return to our natural balance of wholeness. “ ~Terry Larkin

We were BORN to heal. Our bodies had all of the complex mechanisms in tact and in place when we were born. Most of us really KNOW deep inside what a miracle birth really is. We use this phrase when we watch a newborn baby.

Then by the time we were walking we heard the messages of “be CAREFUL, watch out, you’ll catch a cold, you’ll get sick.” By the time we are old enough to make our own decisions about safe environments and nutritious eating ~ our habits are other people’s words and practices deeply embedded in our subconscious mind.

TIME passes. New and profound research begins to filter into our pre-conceived notions, thank goodness! But we were led to believe we really are stuck with our DNA and family traits passed on to us. We are led to believe that our physicians can cure of us anything if we follow their prescribed plan.

New, very definitive research says NO, we are not stuck with our DNA or family traits…it’s our environment and our choices.

How do you feel when you hear the word alternative healthcare practices? How about Natural Medicine? What about Holistic Medicine? Do you shy away out of fear? Do you know what you fear the most? My instinct tells me we mostly fear we will not heal, and we can’t imagine there might be something beautifully simple to help us out!

In our book, The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence I wrote about my journey to understand the NDE message I received, “we can heal ourselves.” What I discovered after many years of research? People thought they discovered “new” and different facets of energy based alternative healing methods. I was hearing countless people here in the US exclaiming their results…just like our Native American ancestors and indigenous peoples all over the world tried to tell us centuries ago.

I used as many energy techniques as I could find while I was trying to heal myself, and it worked for me! I realized my hands were very powerful in moving energy, but equally powerful was what was happening within me. I was also healing emotionally and spiritually, and I KNOW I would have failed without this important part of my journey. I surrendered the outcome to God and instead filled my heart with SELF LOVE…no matter what I was feeling physically.

“With God’s grace, healing also takes place when our belief in healing is strong, supporting our abilities. Our brain begins to provide channels to our deeper knowing of ourselves. In communion with our Divine Self, we can see and hear God’s words. It probably won’t be a voice; it’s a knowing that you can begin to trust through your intuition. Prayer is talking to God, silence is listening for God, and intuition is God answering back to you.”   Pg. 164 The LIGHT GAP   Terry & Marj

It took several years, but I was “hearing” from God, angels and guides ~ my support system. I was putting all of these alternative energy practices in my life. But, little did I know that six months after publication of our book, I would finally find a more Comprehensive form of energy healthcare. Heal Other’s, Heal Yourself. I met Dr. Eric Pearl in Chicago. A new chapter in my life began…and what a beautiful journey.

I will continue to spread more knowledge about this very “NATURAL” way to reconnect a person to their own ability to heal from within.  The misconception comes when people think they need to DROP all the advice or treatment from their medical doctors. Not at all, but you can enhance your situation! We can’t drop the balanced approach to our lifestyle!

The Reconnective Healing Experience helps to promote balance, harmony and well-being in all areas of our life ~ physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It’s not a treatment so it’s not focussed on problems, symptoms, or challenges. And yet…the results…are personal just for YOU. Healing is ALWAYS personal. I believe God not only created our bodies to heal, we were given the tools to help make it happen.

Neale Donald Walsch’s words to me this week spoke of EXACTLY this same concept. I hope you read his words carefully…they are VERY meaningful!

On this day of your life
Terry, I believe God wants you to know …
… that good health is not the absence of symptoms,
it is the presence of peace.
Do not confuse physical vibrance with spiritual vitality.
You are not your body. Your body is simply a tool.
A magnificent tool, for sure, but nothing more than that.
As with all tools, your body will from time to time need
repair. And one day it will wear down completely.
Your soul will do neither. Not now, not ever. Listen,
therefore, to the whispers of the soul,
not the cries of the body.
Love, your Friend …
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Natural BALANCE…is that what you are looking for in your life? Are you AWARE of your ability to make a difference in your own life?

“Over the past three decades the Reconnective Healing Experience (RHE) has defined what healing is and how it’s received. The RHE has brought us the understanding of the key role direct awareness plays in connecting us to the essence of healing itself. The RHE is the experience of healing that is accessible by everyone and not limited to the physical, mental, emotional or religious…as it is infinite in nature. It’s God, Love, Universal Intelligence, modulating in the sensation-frequency of Energy, Light, & Information known today as the Reconnective Healing Experience.”

~Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer.

Meet some of my teachers and mentors from The Reconnection! Amazing people!

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