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Through the LIGHT of GOD’s LOVE…Near-Death Experience and LIGHT Experience
Today we are giving you an opportunity to go back in time to hear the NDE stories from Terry from 1982 and the STE stories from Marj in 1996! It is totally amazing to be able to re-tell a life changing EXPERIENCE in amazing detail after so many years have gone by.
What are you doing on Saturday, May 11 at 2:00 – 4:00 PM Central Time? (3:00-5:00 PM Eastern Time) You have an opportunity to hear our stories, relive the moments with us, and hear how these experiences totally changed our lives…on ZOOM through the organization known as Chicago~IANDS. We will both be speaking in great detail of our mind boggling stories, threaded with all of the tremendous experiences and learning that have taken place over the last 42 years!
For so many years, both of us have had an insatiable appetite for wanting to KNOW and UNDERSTAND more about God, the afterlife, and consciousness~before, during, and after this life we are living now! We both have so many stories of real life experiences to share that have happened to us over the years and even recently. Our lives simply continue to grow and change. Find out how and why Terry KNEW becoming a healer was in her future and how Reconnective Healing simply found her AFTER our book was published. Find out how and why Marj can help others through the grieving process.
Of course our book, The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence, published in 2016, grew out of the love that drew the two of us incredibly close to each other as sisters and friends. Recently as we were preparing for this talk, we pondered what content was vitally important to share? We believe that you will not only enjoy the conversation, but learn and grow together with us!
So, how can you join us?
We would LOVE to have you there along with many of Chicago IANDS’ crowd of spiritually like minded people from all around the world with amazing experiences of their own!
Before you follow the steps below, I would like you to know a little about this organization. The official title is Chicago International Association for Near-Death Studies, Inc. Diane Willis runs this organization with countless helpers enticing over 3,000 followers. I have known Diane for many years now, I went to so many of their gatherings, and spoke for this organization back in 2017 following the publication of our book! Marj and I have attended lectures countless times and after each one, came away in awe. I LOVE their mission statement:
“Spreading awareness of Spiritually Transformative Experiences as well as networking and sharing among those who have been spiritually awakened. Death is not to be feared. It is only an awakening.”
Since Covid, Chicago IANDS has been using the ZOOM format instead of meeting at the Hospital Auditorium in Evanston where I spoke. We highly recommend signing up for their monthly email! They never share your email with anyone, and you only receive a communication once a month just prior to their monthly speaker. Their events are fantastic and vary greatly in content. As you go to this website, there is a lot there for you to see! Even if you are unable to be there on May 11, you will love this organization.
- Go to
- Enjoy the beautiful photo on the top…if you click on the arrow you will hear Diane Willis playing her wooden flute in a meditation. She starts every gathering by playing for the group.
- You can go to the tab that says EVENTS and click on that to see the description of our talk entitled NDE and LIGHT EXPERIENCE ~ Wake Up to LIFE!
- Go back to the Home Page.
- Scroll down under the three dark blue boxes. Keep going and you will see a white box that says sign up for monthly emails. Do that. Do it soon, our talk is only a week and a day away!
- You will receive an email just a week or even a few days prior to our talk on May 11. In it you will see the zoom connection and how to join the meeting. They ask for a “voluntary” $20.00 donation and let you know how to do that, but it is not a requirement.
- After May 11 ~ you will find out there are some incredible speakers on a whole variety of topics that are open to you the second Saturday of each month.
- Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any difficulty! Simply email at with a phone number and I would be happy to call you!
We hope you will put the date on your calendar…
Saturday, May 11
Terry Larkin and Marjorie Steiner – Speakers for Chicago IANDS via ZOOM
2:00 – 4:00 Central Time
See you there!
As always through God’s Amazing Presence…LOVE from Terry and Marj!