
There is a HUGE power that exists in LIGHT. Each one of us is a BEING of LIGHT. We were born into that “spark” of light as we took our first breath. When our soul enters our body, we’ve known ourselves as BEINGS of LIGHT wrapped in PURE LOVE. Of course we don’t “remember” that as an experience. And yet, I think every mother experiences their own vibrational frequency totally lift higher in the presence of their newborn on the day of birth. Most of us as new Moms had no idea what to call the huge lift within our hearts. I know my learning came much later. But I remember that beautiful LIFT of LOVE three times in my life. And experiencing unbelievable LIGHT in my NDE.
I heard a discussion lately about the terms we use. Neale Donald Walsh insists we call it PURE LOVE and that it is the secret to bringing Peace to the Universe. Ervin Lazlo says, “Well, that’s Unconditional LOVE you are speaking of.” Yet, as humans, people want to put all kinds of conditions on our love and that is NOT GOD. When we accept the fact that God and each and every one of us ARE that LOVE…life often changes. Other highly intelligent Spiritually driven people call it DIVINE LOVE. There ARE no conditions with Divine or PURE LOVE.
- …maybe YOU have even another name for this phenomena
We now know scientifically that everything is PURE ENERGY vibrating at various levels. Our bodies are vibrational energy all the time. But, WE have the ability to change, direct that vibration, and increase our vibrational energy through LOVE that lives within us. But, here is a new question in all of this. EXPERIENCES we have had raise our frequency so that we vibrate at a higher level most all of the time? Does our vibrational level change other people around us? I believe we CAN and DO that even at an unconscious level.
Many channelers are telling us that the LIGHT of the world has been UPLIFTED over time and we are now stronger than ever, our past does not define us. We are changing and evolving as the world around us changes and evolves. We ARE the creators. We are a Divine Child of God and what we think and how we act is helping that evolution. We can WAKE UP to that LOVE through our own Divinity. That’s a hard statement for many people. They somehow think it is sacrilegious. But it is not at all. It simply shows us how incredible GOD really is. And I do believe our communities, our country, and our world needs every single one of us now to help LIGHT UP THE WORLD!
This poem has always delighted me and I have kept it over many years. But, what amazes me is that it was written back when science had not begun to even figure out the secrets of the Universe. The power of LIGHT energy simply was not understood…at least by most. But, perhaps throughout the ages…mystics have always understood.
Light by Najm Razi (1177-1256)…a 13th Century Persian Sufi mystic
If the Light rises in the Sky of the Heart…
and, in the utterly pure inner man
attains brightness of the sun
or of many suns…
then his year is nothing but light,
his subtle body is light,
his material covering is light,
his hearing, his sight, his hand,
his exterior, his interior
are nothing but light.
I’m picturing that Rumi probably was writing about the same time as this man. Jesus certainly understood the POWER of LOVE and shared it with so many…but I do believe that his words were terribly misunderstood by people at the time. We can learn from these shared words.
When we are out of balance, tossing and turning in our beliefs…it takes us out of Co-herence. That term is used a lot now by the spiritual scientists like Gregg Braden, Bruce Lipton and Ervin Lazlo. The more we live in that unbalanced state the cells in our body react bringing disease. Now with new challenges all around us in our government…can we keep balanced not allowing disease to set in? I suggest you go back and read that poem one more time.
What is the utterly pure inner man?
We are conditioned to think we are weak and can’t possibly be in that place as a human. Perhaps we need to re-think that concept. When we WAKE UP our Divinity it allows us to transcend limitations bringing healing on a very DEEP level every day. We CAN become the best version of ourselves. And I do believe that meditation and prayer help us BE in the pure place…at least MORE of our day! Let’s create incredible EXPERIENCES!
The Dalai Lama has given us GREAT advice for such a difficult time…even when we are disheartened by what is happening around us, we CAN be the change!