Interesting THOUGHTS filter through our minds every day. Sometimes we allow them to drift on through and at other times they simply seem to get STUCK. There may be a very good reason they are stuck. Perhaps “the thought” is benefiting us in some way. Maybe “the thought” is IMPORTANT and needs to be written on a “Get this done list”. That is very different than reoccurring thoughts that are perhaps not serving you in any good way! Perhaps your angels or guides are planting a thought inside your mind. For myself I know that if I keep having a reoccurring thought that just does not seem to be mine…I have learned I need to pay attention. It may even be about a habit that needs addressing and I’m busy trying to ignore it! I don’t recommend that path.
This past week I lost a beautiful friend to cancer and my reoccurring thoughts of Tom are very special to me. He was a person I could talk to about any spiritual concept and I always felt uplifted after each visit, conversation, text, or phone call. His presence in our Light GAP Spiritual EXCHANGE Circle was always one of the ways I received BALANCE in my own sharing with the group. In his loving and insightful way, he could stimulate our thinking, offer another way to perceive some concepts or validate our own thinking. He will be missed by so many people.
How is it that cancer can take away that incredible vitality in such a special man. And yet…I perceived that this may have been one was of his “exit points” that perhaps he even planned before he arrived in this body. He died in such peace and so quickly…and for that I can only be happy for him and marvel through the mystery of it all. His life was not always easy…just like all of ours.
When I perceive truths about our how our ONE body for this lifetime exists and stays healthy, it too can be mind boggling. We know that every cell in our body has an incredible energy right within each cell. That’s a KNOWN fact. When two or more cells might be fighting each other…does it make sense for some cells to grow out of control and others to do exactly as the human body was designed? It never seems to make sense, and so perhaps it’s that IMBALANCE for the human body that causes disease? Cancer is such a global problem.
Then my mind seems to say, when all of our cells are aligned…are we flourishing and healthy? IMBALANCE in our lives, in our mind, body, and spiritual soul can impact life. I know perfectly well that in understanding what HEALING really is…we have to align and be in touch with every part of ourselves…NOT just the body. I believe the thought that there is ONLY the body is a misconception that is thriving in our medical field right now. This is why when we go to a doctor, we feel almost slighted if he/she doesn’t give us some form of medicine.
IMBALANCE, what a powerful thought to consider…
Perhaps attacking this IMBALANCE in ourselves may hold a key to keeping disease from getting worse or setting into our bodies in the first place. But, can we find the cause of the imbalance? I believe seeking and maintaining peace within ourselves is a great starting point! First consider our lives with our family, friends, and neighbors. Are we at peace with our relationships? Considering we are also a “piece” of the whole of humanity…we can ultimately not only help ourselves but all those people in our lives as well.
I think it is possible to go way beyond our physical senses to open a door into locating any imbalance within ourselves. I loved a statement that I heard in an interview between Suzanne Giesemann and a man named Moshe Gersht. Marj found the interview on YouTube at a very timely moment for all of us…thank you Marj! We all need each other so greatly in our quest to live a peaceful life. Moshe posed a question I thought was so pertinent for the times we live in RIGHT NOW.
“What are we digesting with our mind?”
We work hard to understand what our bodies are digesting in the way of food, but do we give equal thought to what our minds are digesting? If we shift above our human side to our soul side, we might be able to find some of the imbalances that exist in our daily lives and listen to those thoughts that keep getting planted into our minds!
You might find this interview fascinating for you too. It is VERY pertinent for our lives as we hear and take in the horrible atrocities of man against man in the Israeli ~ Palestinian conflict. Moshe Gersht is a Jewish man living in Israel for the past 17 years and he was there when the terror took place. He is really helping us see a GLOBAL picture of God, the Universe and making all the connections of the SAMENESS in all of humanity. Moshe Gersht’s story of his life is fascinating. He still honors his religion and yet has an incredible understanding of the Universe and the diverse humanity in it. He talks about realigning all the beautiful and certainty in life. You can access this talk here if you are interested. The title of the YouTube probably catches us all. Headlines Got you Down? There Really IS HOPE @Moshe Gersht with Suzanne #peace #hope #awakening. He has a new book out that is endorsed by Deepak Chopra. It sounds fascinating: The Three Conditions: How Intention, Joy, and Certainty will Supercharge Your Life.
“Life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you!” ~ Moshe Gersht
When we take all of life in and find our deep seated emotional disturbances…we can “create” that feeling of BALANCE. We can attract positive energy into OUR life creating the love, peace, and contentment we need to keep our bodies healthy. At the SAME time our emotional and spiritual wellbeing are being fed!
DO IT for YOURSELF! Holding SACRED space for ourselves is a learned skill! If you have not learned that yet, it is never too late!
Hi, I listened and watched the interview by Suzanne of Moshe Gersht. I’m in the middle of two books, but I ordered this one because I am so impressed by the wisdom of this man. He is a good man. My brother in law died last week. I have known him for 57 years. He met my sister when she was 18 and he was 20. He was Jewish, and when I first moved to Chicago, he took me under his wing. I had the privilege of attending many religious dinners at his parents’ house. I lived on the north shore for many years, and almost all the dentists I worked for were Jewish, all my doctors were Jewish, my eventual husband who had a hit record out and became a piano bar player and singer for many years, worked for Jewish restaurants and clubs. I learned so much from all of these beautiful people and I love them all so much. I am looking forward to reading this new book. My husband, who has also passed on, was mixed race…black, white, and Indian. My older sister’s ex-husband is Greek. We had a wonderful family when my parents were alive and we could all get together. I loved this video and this man, who is obviously a very enlightened soul.
I’m so glad that you enjoyed the talk with this amazing man. I totally agree he is a very enlightened soul! I loved it too. THANKS for all of your beautiful comments. This is the kind of love and caring that models what our world needs the most right now…intention and the joy of certainty!
For some reason, the rest of my comment won’t open up. It happened once before, too.