Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

“We can spend the better part of our lives attempting to construct the perfect personal environment, a kind of bubble that will insulate us against everything that is unpleasant.  But sorrow is woven into the very texture of life.  Pain, disappointment, depression, illness, bereavement,…

Cultivating the Mind for Miracles

“Our life is but one of the dreams of that more real life, and so it is endless until the last one, the very real life, the life of God.” ~Leo Tolstoy As I continue into the powerful practice of meditation, I am realizing…

The Everlife

“We don’t yet see things clearly.  We are squinting in a fog, peering through the mist.  But it won’t be long before the weather clears and the sun shines bright!  We’ll see it all then, see all as clearly as God sees us, knowing…

Self Love is God’s Love… A Fresh Look at Meditation

“In this New Year, may your “pipe lines” flow with love instead of getting frozen with low energy vibrations.  May you be blessed with the courage to let go of the old, and bring in the new higher vibrations –  bringing joy, happiness and…

Let Go of the Old, Let In the New

HAPPY NEW YEAR! This time of year, the Midwest can be so beautiful.  With the cold that comes in, comes the freshness of the new fallen snow, and the brightness of the nights.  The full moon brightens the sky creating moon shadows as it…