Life is a Construction Job

Growth never proceeds in a straight line.                    

Back and forth, up and down, over and over – we will never be done!  Even those of us who have made
great big strides in understanding the purpose of life seem to have to take unwilling steps backwards.  These backward steps decrease our energy and puts us into negative self-talk.

One of the things that I love to do is work with jig-saw puzzles.  Life is similar to the process of putting all those pieces together.  I have discovered 300 or 350-piece, large piece, puzzles.  They are just the right size to keep my attention.   My husband and I put them on a big board that can be easily moved if needed, we place them on the dining room table, and work on them over time.

Jig-saw puzzles are like life.  The pieces are a jumble.  You cannot see a clear picture as you begin, but as
each piece is put where it fits, the whole picture becomes clearer.  But it is not satisfyingly clear until the
whole picture is complete.  In life that will come at our transition into the everlife.  We keep putting the pieces together in the meantime.

“Greatness begins when we decide God created us to be ourselves. God pushes us to grow in understanding how to grow in LOVE for all. Our greatness is our love expressed and shared with others to make life explode for another amazing soul in our path.” 

~Terry Larkin~  quote from her March blog on healing

I have had a difficult time lately “holding in love” the life I am living.  I seem to be challenged these days in a way I have not been for some time.  I am resisting, and that resistance takes energy!  I can’t seem to focus on the everyday jobs that need attention.  I keep saying to myself –  “Get organized.  Don’t waste so much time!  You have things to do so do them.”

That leads to saying to myself, “You don’t have time for that…you have work to do,” which does not help.  The ‘thats’ are the very things that feed me – meditation, taking a walk, exercising, reading inspiring authors and mentors, being with people, just BEING instead of constantly DOING.  I am cutting off the very things that help me turn up my LIGHT!


Be the shining light you are-

a beacon that pours forth.

The love that’s always been there,

like a compass pointing North.

Shine brightly, do not seek the light,

for love and light is what you are.

You need not look outside yourself

You are the Great North Star.

~Love Beyond Words

                              Sanaya   Compiled by Suzanne Gieseman

Terry and I are two of a set of three sisters and two brothers.  We gather as often as we can make it work.  What a support system we were given via birth into the same family.  A support group that we have continued to value and create. We hope to all meet in May as our brother travels to our territory.

The three sisters gathered recently.  My two sisters Lynne and Terry, were feeling, or maybe sensing, or maybe intuiting my need for support and made the considerable effort to drive to the same spot to make possible a few days together away from the demands of the world.  We did the very things I mentioned earlier…meditated, took a long walk, exercised together using a Qi Gong DVD, shared inspiring authors and mentors, and TALKED AND TALKED…   We even celebrated a birthday.   Most important, we shared the love and light that is what we are.  It renewed us all!

As I was editing Terry’s blog – we do this for each other – I was so inspired, that I began writing and sharing my down-time instead of only sharing the inspired times.  Thank you Terry for your patience and your inspiration!

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