
Peace and Tranquility…exist inside in each of us and yet sometimes our beacon of light has been diminished due to our daily human lives. That beacon of LIGHT is you and cannot be extinguished. YOU and I are the love and light that our world needs right now. There is a KNOWING in my heart that is alive with hope and joy.
What can bring tranquility into our hearts and minds? The global situation has many of us on edge. We feel that it is totally out of our control, and yet the photos and news reports get STUCK as images threaded through our added thoughts in our minds. We feel helpless, and yet, I believe that we DO HAVE a lot to give!
I couldn’t grab my phone quick enough to capture the whole, but click on this picture. Turtles were serene and tranquil when an alligator emerged eating a small turtle…
As I was pondering my own journey to help the world in some small way, I realized I needed to EXPAND my thinking! It started with asking my own guides and angels, “What can I possibly do?” My tranquil world…is it always like that in life?
I began to hear from my inner self…“don’t keep yourself small, your contributions are far greater than you know!” I’ve had more time than usual here in Florida to ponder all of what I AM. I know that at times I do put myself into that category of smallness. Maybe we all do that in a way…thinking what possible difference can I make in such troubled times?!
Can we BE the BEACON of Light for others? Can we use our own energetic power to spread peace to others? Our life force energy is an incredible gift. Being aware that our human body is not simply “physical” opens us to remember our soul is our true self. When we allow that part of us to EXPAND it opens that huge heart within realizing we came into this life at the this time for a reason. We actually turn UP our light and vibrational presence.
EXPANDing our own energy field is within our grasp every single day. ~ Terry Larkin
Right away after I asked how to expand my thinking…in came some very powerful people to speak to me this week! It’s always so pleasant to open my email and find exactly what I was looking for. I’ll start with Suzanne Giesemann in her Daily Way Message ~ The Awakened Way.
The Beacon
” Spread peace…You are part of one teeming sea of humanity. All of you flow and dance with everything else in your world, not the least of which is your planet. And do not forget the animals, who are hypersensitive to what you radiate. Spread peace by being peaceful. Non-peaceful thoughts beget dissonance in your environment. Be a beacon of harmony beginning with your thoughts and words..peace begins with you. “ ~ Sanaya ~ Channeled by Suzanne Giesemann.
And then…a newsletter arrived from my fellow NDE experiencer, Anita Moorjani.
I love the by line Anita Moorjani uses in all of her work. Remember your MAGNIFICENCE: “Love is not a luxury.” For those of you that may be unfamiliar with her story, she is most well known for her first book called Dying to be Me. Dr. Wayne Dyer found her and helped her grow to the international figure she is today. I bought the book, pre-ordering it due to the stories of her Near-Death Experience which Wayne Dyer began sharing before her book came out. Her stories are phenomenal and I was always fascinated about her miraculous healing story from end stage cancer. Although I’ve now read countless NDE books, hers has always been a favorite. She has recently released a 10th Anniversary Edition of that book after writing several other books.
“Now with bonus content explaining my life since its publication, deepening your intuition, developing a language with the other side, being an Empath, and loving yourself because your life depends on it!” ~ This makes me want to order another copy!
I have a signed copy though of her original book…I have met her twice. including meeting musician Barry Goldstein which Anita uses for her meditation music.
But today I took time to listen to a video that Anita Moorjani has now released on YouTube and if there was ever a time for her words it is now. Her understanding of how our universe operates is so much like my own. I decided to share. She recorded this video back during the height of the pandemic, but she decided to release it to the public this week because it has such MEANING for what we are going through emotionally right now. She emphasized in her newsletter how we can and DO effect the energy of the whole planet…not just our own individual healing. But, I already have this understanding from so many people like myself that were immersed in the energy of light and became so very aware of our oneness with each other. It is called Global Meditation
If you click on the words above Global Meditation by Anita Moorjani you can listen to this beautiful meditation. I highly suggest you save this for a time when you have a half hour to listen to it ALL! The music by Barry Goldstein is as always stunning. I have a number of his CD’s. Neale Donald Walsch also uses this man’s talents for his own meditations. On a usual basis, I don’t choose meditations that have so much talking in them. But, this time…it was just right for me.
Her words and explanations are very helpful in understanding how and why each of us ARE that beacon of light…and we DO make a difference in the global landscape!
You are forever the beacon of LOVE…tranquility lives inside of YOU! We ARE the energy we seek! ~Terry Larkin
Lovely meditation. Thank you.
Thank you Mary! I am so happy that you enjoyed it! Deep love for all of us…
Thank you Mary! I found it delightful too and I am very happy to know you enjoyed it. There is deep love for all of us.