There Will Always Be Rain
“There will always be sunshine after the rain. Yes, this means the rains will come again as well, but understanding the nature of cycles and your nature as a spirit being, you can ride the wave in peace.”
Quote from In the Silence: 365 Days of Inspiration from Spirit by Suzanne Giesemann
In our physical and emotional life we often use the phrase, “This too Shall Pass”. And of course it always does, just as predictable as the sun emerging after a rain. But do we always weather the storms in peace? Do we remember that we are spirit beings during stressful times? We CAN ride the wave in peace, but we have to choose it.
During the summer months we bask in the beautiful warmth of sunshine. We frolic and laugh jumping in the waves with our families. We cherish walking barefoot in the sand as we stroll beaches. We even enjoy a gentle summer rain.
This week I had the privilege of having our life long college friends visiting us from Texas where they retired to be near their grandchildren. We marveled at the beautiful sunny skies as we walked the beach crowded with swimmers and sunbathers. We were enjoying peaceful moments reminiscing about life for the past 42 years of our friendship. In both families, our children are grown and grandchildren delight our lives. We also remembered sharing our sorrows through turbulent times. Life brings us challenges, our souls do grow from each and every experience. We had not only been enjoying beautiful weather for many days, but our spirits were high as our friends’ family began pouring into Michigan to celebrate the joy of a wedding. We remember these kids as they were born. Beautiful memories through CONNECTIONS. We are ALL connected as human spirits, but many people are very unaware of this reality. Our joys are shared. Our negative emotions are shared. Our positive loving thoughts are actually transferred through vibration to the other people around us. Their loving and caring vibrations flow right back to us helping us “feel” the higher vibration with a warm feeling in our hearts. (Very healthy for your heart by the way!) What happens to pesky negative emotions?
Twenty-Four hours later and we were experiencing a HUGE storm moving in with very forceful winds and rain. We drove back out to that same beach to see the angry, powerful waves that were crashing into Lake Michigan! This was NOT a gentle summer rain storm. The wind was blowing so hard the sand was biting my legs as we ran out into the sand to capture the waves in a picture.
That view reminded both of our families of the very turbulent times we have also lived through. But the support back and forth never wavered. It made it possible to ride a wave of peace as we weathered many of life’s storms. God gave each of us an internal support system connected to external support to help us through our difficult life trials. We are never alone, even if our connected friend and family system is for whatever reason not involved.
In our darkest moments we tend to look, search and even beg for God’s help. Feeling and hearing from God, angels, Jesus, deceased masters and loved ones that have passed are right beside us ALL the time. Ask them for help, it’s that simple. Sometimes they send just the right person to drop by and see you. Sometimes they send you messages, but you might miss them if you are not open to them. We are not only connected to other people in our universe, we are VERY connected to the spirit world.
“For everyone who asks receives: the one who seeks finds and the one who knocks, the door will be open.” Matthew 7:8
I know that for countless years, I just thought Jesus was opening a door for us to believe in Him. I realize now God was trying to let us know, through Jesus that WE have to do the seeking, ask, and when the door opens, LISTEN. I have experienced many events in my life that most would call “mystical” and unexplained. There is nothing farther from the truth. The explanations are sitting in plain sight in front of us. In order to connect with the spirit world, we have to believe and “open our hearts” to pure love, literally!! Our mind, as part of our “thinking” brain can easily twist and turn in a downward spiral until it connects with the heart ~ where God’s love and universal intelligence exists. Compassion for yourself and others is the key to health. Gratitude for even the smallest positive thing in your life, connects you to your heart and to other people.
We were literally “wired” upon birth for social connection. Deep inside we all want to belong, be loved and cared for. So often we tend to get sick ALONE and feel very isolated. (Sadness, Depression, Anxiety, Pain…all live there magnified hugely because of our “thinking” brain!)
But, TOGETHER, we get well and have a desire to stay that way. Connect YOUR heart and brain ~ go WITHIN and there you will find joy, peace, strength, courage, gratitude, compassion and love. These were given to us in Grace by God. They exist INSIDE always! The power of compassion for one another is our greatest gift to heal, not only helping others but ourselves.
We are SHARING our love with all of you…pass it on!
It was a joy to meet you today, Marj, and I’ve already started reading the book. Thank You!
I too thoroughly enjoyed our conversation. I would love to hear your thoughts once you read our book. Shall we gather for another conversation?