Wonderful WEB of GOD through Healing

All of us live in a community and often feel the need to connect in a meaningful way with other people. There is yearning deep within us to be accepted and loved by others. I believe it is all part of God’s plan when he created the human body with the heart at its core…literally keeping us alive all the while using the emotions created within it to be the language of our soul! We cannot survive this life alone and most of us are eternally grateful for that concept. It’s that wonderful world wide web. It’s the www…of GOD. I used this concept last September in a post as I wrote about new beginnings. Little did I know that the ever expanding web of life would keep leading me to such incredible new people in my life. 

We crave and need each other’s lives to intersect for very complex reasons. We interact through our spiritual life in churches and community events, hoping that our presence will somehow make a difference in others. We want so badly to give to people in a real and authentic way, yet too often we are left asking HOW? Deep in our soul is a  yearning… and I believe it is a yearning to GROW in understanding of life while giving of ourselves to others.  When we stretch into that sometimes scary new growth cycle we find we had no idea what was there waiting for us!

It’s through gratitude that I share the beautifully woven people that have moved into my life in such a short time.  Our lives REALLY are intricately woven into…that wonderful WEB of God. God has woven a path that I have followed having no real “view” into where it would take me. Just writing and publishing our book,  The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence together with Marj has brought wonderful people into both our lives in countless ways. We are humbled when someone reaches out to tell us that the sharing of our lives and experiences through our book has helped them in very significant ways.

And now I have found myself immersed into the lives of Dr. Eric Pearl and Jillian Fleer with literally thousands of Reconnective Healing Practitioners from all over the world. I’ve been experiencing the most loving, caring and intelligent people I have ever met! They are from every walk of life; every nationality, every spiritual tradition, and each with incredible life histories of how they have come into this healing work. The woven path continues…

W: Wonderfully

E: Exceptional

B: Beginnings





When Marj and I got asked to speak at a book club here in Holland, Michigan, we had no idea what connections were coming. We had such amazing discussions on that cold snowy December evening. But through that I met a new friend who introduced me to Loraine Griffin and her daughter Melanie ~the owners of Bodhi Tree Yoga and Wellness Center here in Holland, Michigan.

It’s now my honor and pleasure to be able to offer Reconnective Healing Sessions and facilitate people’s personal RECONNECTION here at this center. For those of you in the West Michigan area I encourage you to go to the Bodhi Tree Yoga & Wellness Studio’s website and see if any of their wonderful offerings might be right for you. It is a very welcoming place; full of information to help you focus on a proactive path to wellness in your life. They are extremely eco-friendly in the running of this Studio. Each time I am there for a healing session, I feel a fondness for all it has to offer! You can connect to their website by clicking here or going to www.mibodhitree.com.

In April I did a workshop at Bodhi Tree Yoga & Wellness Studio with the goal of expanding people’s awareness of what Reconnective Healing really is…and the woven path continues as I realize how complex it is to explain to people how Reconnective Healing works! Through my healing sessions I have met new and amazing people that are enriching my life in countless ways. I will be doing another workshop there most likely during the summer months, but I’ll keep you updated!

This WEB of connection for us as human beings experiencing life, is a prime example of a previously “unrecognized” field of energy that scientists have now proven exists.  Our human DNA is communicating through this field. The fabric of creation throughout God’s world is within this energy field. Research into this whole field is incredibly fascinating. There was an “aha” moment for me when I realized that this same field of energy is how healing energy is being transported to another person. The same field of energy that connects our lives to other people’s lives at that just RIGHT moment is the same field of energy that carry the Reconnective Healing Frequencies. The frequency travel from my hands and body to the person I am facilitating in a Reconnective Healing Session.

It’s this field that helps me during the two day Personal RECONNECTION for a person to “reconnect ”  into this incredible field of light energy that God has given us in Grace to open our own internal healing abilities. New discoveries are opening up doors to advance our human evolution into the original design of love, compassion, and understanding. The pathway leads to healing individuals, communities, and countries in every continent on earth. This energy field is the new “Energy, Light and Information” that is the basis for Reconnective Healing. We can still exclaim and  say, “WOW…it’s a miracle” , but now we have the science to show it always has been God’s unbelievable plan. We are just finally waking up to the knowledge!



“…there has been a revolution in how we perceive the body. What appears to be an object, a three-dimensional anatomical structure, is actually a process, a constant flow of energy and information.” ~ Deepak Chopra



Watch for next week’s follow up to this post! In the mean time, go to the Hay House all free Summit! ( You don’t need to purchase it, but you do need to listen before Monday) There are exciting people giving talks  through Monday, May 20. Look in speakers for Gregg Braden. His video session was The Science of Miracles”… you may need to search back, it was earlier this week. It’s an older talk that I heard live with Gregg Braden four years ago and I now own the CD. He puts it all into a framework any of us can understand! If you sign up for the free access, you can go back to any of the series and listen until probably Monday at midnight.

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