Reconnective Healing VIDEO Blog

Reconnective Healing VIDEO Blog

I hope each of you will read below before connecting with our video. I am sharing a workshop about Reconnective Healing at Bodhi Tree Yoga & Wellness Studio in Holland, Michigan where I currently practice!

* VIDEO…click here.

All of us are trying to figure out why healing seems to work for SOME people and why at times it doesn’t seem to happen for others. We begin to ask the BIG questions about how you and I fit into this debate. This is such a dilemma for all of us living a life here on earth, living in our human form. I began a journey to understand a message I received through my Near-Death Experience ( NDE)  back in 1982. I’ve lived and breathed this message now for 37 years. The two biggest messages from my experience wrapped in the unbelievable light of unconditional love were shared in our book, The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence: Our Journey to Understand LIFE and Near-Death. 

LOVE is ALL there is!”


“We have the ability to HEAL ourselves.”

These two statements were so powerful that I could write a book about each one of them. We are so blessed by many people that have shared how our stories of REAL life, REAL stories, and REAL questions about life have helped bring in this same love in your own lives. THANK YOU… all of you,  for sharing your REAL lives with us as well! LIFE is challenging and every one of us is experiencing exactly what we chose when we came into this life. Is YOURS challenging? If the answer is YES, then WOW…you are most likely on the right path! You are growing along the path of your soul’s agenda. But, the message of love and healing  is meant for YOU!

Some of you have followed our journey since the beginning and some of you are new to our journey. Today, I am hoping to open an OLD door, or perhaps a  NEW one in your life to enrich your thoughts and ideas about HEALING. I’d like to remind you about the very last sentence in our book.

“The presence of the great I AM is with me. Above all, I AM in gratitude for the miracle of all life, for life is love living itself.” Pg. 215

“LIFE is LOVE living itself.”

My life sharing Reconnective Healing is LOVE living itself. 

I will continue to share and improve upon my ability to share why I know these messages are REAL for every human being. The message of LOVE… I not only received, absorbed and live LOVE today, but it has taken 36 years to learn how to properly SHARE the love. I share this video knowing that it is through my human self. I am always ready to improve my ability to express these concepts.

In this environment there was not a microphone available, so I apologize that it might be difficult to hear well at some points. I hope you have an hour to just “chill out” and enjoy hearing  more about Reconnective Healing!


If you have trouble seeing or viewing the above video, please click here to view!

For  ALL of you that live in the Chicago area… you have an absolutely awesome opportunity! On Saturday, June 8 at a Chicago IANDS meeting at the Frank Auditorium in Evanston Hospital, there is an amazing speaker that is near and dear to my heart! Her name is Joan Fowler. I know her personally through IANDS in Seattle when I first met her because she too had a profound NDE, and professionally through Reconnective Healing. She is one of the Associate Instructors for Dr. Eric Pearl and a totally amazing speaker! She will be sharing her knowledge and experience through Reconnective Healing. This is a TREAT for the Chicago area! Check out the info about her at

This is a photo of Joan Fowler and I together. Check out her website and you will love it all! And if you decide to come, I will SEE YOU THERE! I plan to attend and will be in the Chicago area that weekend.

ENJOY! Your feedback is always cherished and appreciated! I will end with the words, beautifully written to share at my talk at Bodhi Tree.

“Reconnective Healing has changed my life! I have lived my whole life with stomach/digestive issues and it only got worse after I had my daughter 5 years ago. I tried everything, went to every specialist, naturalist, etc., but nothing changed my situation. Energy healing was something I never knew existed but after much prayer, I asked God to show me how/where to find healing. I became desperate and hopeless. The very next morning God gave me very clear direction through a series of events that lead me to watching “the Living Matrix” documentary on You Tube! The moment I saw Dr. Eric Pearl, my heart about leaped out of my chest. I didn’t know anything about him or what he was doing but every cell in my body knew this was how healing was supposed to happen for me. I was ready to fly anywhere to see him so I immediately got on his website to figure out what my options were. To my surprise, Eric had been teaching people all over the World this work! The 2nd surprise was finding Terry Larkin listed as a practitioner right up the road from where I live (Hudsonville)! I called Terry a few minutes later and she actually answered my call. I was speechless, crying, grateful, and excited all at the same time.  The next day Terry did a Reconnective Healing session on me and every…single….issue I had immediately disappeared! I could talk for hours about that actual session and the things I experienced but that’s a separate story! I have only had one RH session but it has forever changed my life; so much, that I became a practitioner myself! Thank you Terry for bringing awareness to people in West Michigan!”

~ Michelle Henderson 4-10-19

Hudsonville, Michigan








One Comment on “Reconnective Healing VIDEO Blog

  1. Thank you for this enlightening experience of reconnective healing through your video blog. Your dedication to sharing precious insights and experiences is virtually inspiring. I admire how you have provided a platform for perception and exploring this transformative restoration modality. Keep shining your light and spreading positivity.

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