The Light GAP Revisited

As human beings living our current life in a body ~ we sometimes lose sight of the amazing light God placed within our souls. It is always there waiting for us to open the space in our life for light to come in. As we widen our gap, more love can pour in. Knowledge and understanding LIFE flows in along with love as long as we don’t unconsciously block it or don’t recognize it.

When we wrote our book, The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence, we chose our title with great care and deep thought. We used the analogy of a light gap in a forest as an example of how life works. In any forest the top layer of tree foliage provides shade below. Seeds remain in the soil waiting for sunlight to reach them. When a tree falls, those seeds below now have the opportunity for new growth. Our lives mirror that process. Tragedies, or even simple dark moments are often like the trees falling in the forest. Seeds germinate within us. New ways of thinking emerge, allowing love to flow. New caring ways show up in YOU! Most important is a space made for us to hear the ever so quiet voice talking directly to us.

We chose the picture on our cover by looking through 100’s sent by our publisher to look at. We loved the cover because it had true meaning for us. There are layers of meaning threaded throughout our book. We hear from our readers that it takes re-reading our book to uncover all of the messages. Great feedback, thank-you!

A recent experience prompted me to again open my own GAP wider. I had started my morning with meditation as usual. But, this day was incredible. I was able to hear and see evidence for myself that we have guidance from the Spirit World when we move into the silence between “mind” created thoughts and God generated thoughts through spirit. After meditation I continued in a very high vibrational state letting nature feed my soul. I went for a very quiet walk on a trail in the woods near Lake Michigan. It was 6:30 AM as the sun was rising. While I was within a campground setting, it was totally quiet at that hour!

I was struck in awe at the sight I encountered. I walked this path many times never seeing this phenomenon before. I stood there in complete AWE seeing the cover of our book right in front of me in real life!
It wasn’t a photo picked from hundreds we looked at to find the right image ~ it was right in front of me! After a long time standing in silence letting thoughts flow through me, I took MANY pictures. I knew I had to share this moment with others!

It’s important to let you know that my knowledge and understanding of spirits grew as I allowed my own GAP of light to open and “hear” and see new insights from God. When Marj and I experienced being in God’s pure LIGHT, it was really a WAKE-UP call for each of us! Our true purpose in life is to grow in understanding the incredible LOVE God meant for all of us to experience and share with one another. Perhaps you have had a wake up call of your own. We are ALL connected. Those living this adventure we call life on earth, both enlightened and dark souls that make poor decisions are connected to each other as well as to the heavenly realm. We affect each other in good ways and in draining ways! Our hope is that you are able to open your GAP wider to believe there is more to learn. When the belief is there, you will experience incredible light and love flowing into you. We all have the same bodies created in the very same way. Our experiences don’t make us special in any way. We are ALL special!

We hope you find your OWN way to an expanded view of God, to a new hope balanced in mind, body and spirit. LIGHT grown brighter in our lives can bring joy and love into darkness in you and in those around you! I hope you will read more on page 41 where I talked about learning and understanding God’s Unconditional LOVE for all of us. It matters not WHERE we are! (photo of our back in light)

“My GAP was finally large enough to allow amazing new growth in me, just like in a forest. God came flooding in with new thoughts as I let His light in. I internalized these beliefs. I began learning more from God in quiet in small doses every day.”

         ~ The Light GAP : God’s Amazing Presence Page 41

 Our book was written three years ago, the gap is still getting wider for me today! In our printed words and title – have you noticed the artwork in the G’s? Within each G is a light rising from a GAP. The G’s represent GOD. And did you realize that GAP is an acronym? 





Have you let light in lately? We send you love for your journey!

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