NDE Learning is for ALL of humanity!

NDE’s are put into a category of miraculous by the mainstream population. People still ache to hear the details of what I saw and how it changed my life as I returned to my body. Our book, The Light GAP: God’s Amazing Presence  describes the details of my NDE in the best way I could write using  our limited language. I invite you to revisit the pages in our book if you’d like to refresh your memory of my description of being absorbed into the LIGHT of God. They are contained in Chapter 1: The Mystery of Death. ( Pages 1-16)

All NDEers experienced the total unconditional love of God. The love of God is hard to put into words. ALL of them experienced the ONENESS with all of humanity. ALL of them came back with knowledge to share. ALL of them became more loving and caring people. All of humanity can be assured they too will experience this upon their transition into the next world. You will “reflect” on your life and understand your mistakes.   God is not judging you! BUT…you don’t need to almost die to experience the knowing. 

I have journal writings that were my initial beginnings of our book, and when Marj I began writing together, we had many versions of what BECAME our book. Marj’s STE: Spiritually Transforming Event became known as her LIGHT Experience.  I craved the understanding of Anne’s death and her visitation to me that provided  a layer of understanding. The experience matched what I knew from my NDE and yet I had not been able to move into KNOWING that the spirit world of communication existed right in our midst.

ALL of humanity can learn to trust that angels are real and they are always around you to help. NDE research contains countless accounts from NDEers that came to this understanding. But, each of us took many years to realize we don’t need to wait until we are close to death or transitioning to heaven to experience them. We can live our lives free of deep fears if we allow ourselves the gift of believing.


I can remember searching for information through IANDS (International Association on Near Death Studies). It was  growth that began to flourish in me as I was reading hundreds of NDE experiences so that I understood what the research meant. Again I invite you to revisit my writing that reflected understanding of authentic and current research of NDE’s….as of 2014! I wrote  chapter 8 making sure our reader’s realized how much my understanding of life had changed after my research. These understandings grew out of IANDS research as well as reading amazing accounts of NDE experiences through published accounts from very educated individuals on the workings of the brain. ( Pages 143- 165) Little did I know that I would be invited to speak at an IANDS Chicago event and now have been  invited to be a speaker this year at their 2018 International Conference in Bellevue, Washington….a suburb of Seattle. I am honored. I will be blessed to be among some amazing speakers.

We both still marvel at the amazing experiences that led up to our book. We began writing in 2013. By 2016 when our book was published, our experiences had grown. Our growth in understanding life is an ongoing journey for all of us. We can only take in so much of God’s shared love through knowledge at a time. That is why we ALL have to be patient, kind and gentle to ourselves on our journey in life.

Science and spirituality will merge into more understanding as NDE experiences match validated scientific research. ALL of humanity can benefit from this learning as we let old beliefs of separateness fall away. We are living in a society of competition, but nature and scientific discoveries are  proving that all of life thrives upon cooperation together. Divine Love shows us the way, when we find our inner power of strength and courage to thrive.

To create a more loving world we need to  accept the concept that we are NOT separate, but beings of eternal LIFE experiencing life together as one with God. We are ALL connected through the web of life. There is ONE mind, ONE connection through God. TIME is beginning to be explained through SCIENCE… Quantum Physics  is proving that life is more complicated than ONE life we live.

I have had the opportunity to be with other people that too experienced NDE’s. Our growth following our NDE experiences seem to follow a pattern, yet our direct experience with beings of light in the heavenly realm differ greatly. This is why the ongoing research during the last 5 years is so significant. New scientific discoveries of human remains through DNA are proving that the human race arrived probably over 200,000 years ago just as we are NOW, with our incredible intelligence already in tact. That resonates with any of us that experienced life beyond because time and space were not as we know them here in our earthly life. Time is not linear which opens the doorway to understand we live eternally.

Learning that our heart and brain work together to help us navigate this earthly existence is opening the doorway helps us to understand that health can be maintained and abilities for healing are a reality. I have opened this doorway to the whole realm of understanding. I am still growing…God is never through with us! What a powerful concept all of humanity can grasp once they let pathways open up. Navigating life with this in mind is our challenge. 

Here are some questions for you to ask yourself. I believe they have great meaning when we try to answer, WHO ARE WE?

  1. Do we live ONE life? Is that ONE life really our eternal life, but experiencing earth many times?
  2. Did Jesus understand all of these concepts when he arrived on earth in human form? Did we (as human beings for the 2,000 + years that followed)  misinterpret many things?
  3. Did Buddha understand all of these concepts when he was enlightened in 563 BCE? Or had he spent many lifetimes prior to the one we know?
  4. Are we as humans co-creating with God as the world of the living continues to evolve? Can we change our world for the better?

I leave you with a few quotes to ponder…

“The Buddha was as mortal as you and I, yet he attained enlightenment and was raised to the rank of an immortal. The miracle is that he got there following a heart as human as yours and mine, and just as vulnerable.” ~ Deepok Chopra

” A natural result of feeling the infinite love of the universe is to recognize that conscious awareness is the very same force at the core of all existence. Such oneness and dissolution of the sense of self, and complete identity with all of life and the source of all that is, is the pathway toward truth. Indeed, the deepest lesson of my journey (NDE) was realizing that unconditional love was the very fabric of the spiritual realm from which the totality of reality emerges. ” Dr. Eben Alexander, MD…Neurosurgeon

Navigating LIFE in a human body can be challenging and spectacular… NDEers want to remind ALL of humanity;  Enjoy the Experience! We are here to find love and happiness. ~Terry Larkin




2 Comments on “NDE Learning is for ALL of humanity!

    • Hi Judy. Just want to thank you for your comment. We all need to be “thought provoked” to keep us on a track that leads to growth!

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