Take Time to Be

“The universe is my palette, I paint a glorious picture and step into it.

God’s timing is perfect.”

~Alan Cohen


I love to rise early and go down to the lake to meditate. Some days my monkey mind just has a very hard time settling. Meditation brings calm to the ups and downs of my days.  But some days as I meditate I experience subtle dis – ease…thoughts of not accomplishing tasks…time passing with no results.  It is kind of like a rudderless sailboat being blown into… into what?  Maybe blown into waters that keep me doing tasks, being too busy, too distracted.  The alternative is to be who I really am, a person made in the image of God.  I can choose to radiate the love we all are made of, in all times of my day.

Perhaps it is a process of “letting go and letting God” when you can really feel the love energy vibrating within.  Meditating each day, even twice a day helps. Ten to twenty minutes is plenty, but soon you do not want to stop, and you may find yourself spending much more time than that when you can.  Meditation invites you to have your own conversation with God.  It does not have to take any particular form.  Each experience is unique.  There is no success or failure.  It is what presents itself.


This day is perfect.  The lake is like glass.  The rising sun lights up the land across the lake. Using Neale Donald Walsch’s CD meditation Conversations with God – an invitation – with Barry Goldstein’s music is
helping give me the gift of calm within my soul and within nature.  As I close my eyes, I see brightness and a bit of purple instead of the darkness of closed eyes.  I see a blinking eye on my right and my left. I am thinking it may be my angels letting me know they are there.  This is a new experience, new belief.  I hear the crows calling.  Opening my eyes, I see them flying through the stillness of the air.  I feel the stillness of my heart.  I breathe deeply with no effort.  The sun is now visible on the water beside me, shining through the tall trees.  The rays pulse and radiate out with tiny bits of the many colors of the rainbow.  I feel the urge to get my camera and save the images of this perfect morning but no…I will save all these images in my heart, in my soul.  I glance up and there in front of me is a mother duck with her numerous babies.  She is black with a tall neck, on the smallish side.  The family is gliding through the water without a sound, leaving a trail of calm disturbed water.  The flight of flapping wings catches my attention as two loons fly over me heading for the next lake.

How is it that I am so lucky to be sitting in this spot?  I dreamed of it for years as a result of our family’s two-week vacations on this lake as our children grew up.  For years we were guests of an incredible giving couple that were members of our church.  Truly, Ginny and Ollie were examples of God’s agents of love, giving us the place where we were able to get badly needed time to renew our spirits. Our kids had the experience of three sets of grandparents instead of two.  I had a vision of what it could be, believed it was possible, and against all odds and 31 years of holding the vision, it has come true.  Is this an example of our God given creative power, that we all have, to create our lives?  Yes, it is.  Wayne Dyer says, “You a person with a vision, are like a pebble in a stream, moving ever outward to infinity, impacting all who come into contact with the ripple.”

As I was struggling to give up this meditation time, there was a splash.   Right in front of me, sending circular rings outward, an otter popped up, and stretched his neck to look at me! He swam around the front of the pier back and forth and then off to the right, into the water along the shore.  Hidden was his mate who now joined him with at least three babies swimming very close behind her, hardly visible.  The family swam right back my way, past the pier, heading to their destination sensing that it was safe to pass by me.  Nature’s animals are amazing.  Overhead, an eagle was gliding over the spot the otters just left, looking for food.


“The universe is my palette.  I paint a glorious picture and step into it.

God’s timing is perfect.”

~Alan Cohen






4 Comments on “Take Time to Be

  1. Thank you for the wonderful description of a perfect day on our beautiful lake. Praise God!

    • You are welcome. I feel so lucky to be able to sit at the lake to meditate each day. Nature is an amazing reflection of God’s wonderful creation on earth. We have such a great community of plant life, animals, water and people living in harmony and peace.

  2. Marj this is the most beautiful piece you have ever shared.
    It puts creation in motion to give hope and strength and a life full of the riches of love, in good times and in difficult times.
    Something outside of us keeps us safe, whatever safe might mean.

    • Thank you for your reply. You have such a beautiful way of putting words together. We are all one. May we aim to journey in hope, strength, and love supporting each other every day.

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