Creation of LIFE

Life’s Questions: WHO am I?

We asked you some questions a few weeks ago. The first one was , Who am I?  We are pleased to share one reader’s thoughts for us!

“Love created me like itself” ~ Lesson 67 in Course of Miracles. 

She went on to say, “Therefore we are always “being love.” We can’t help it; that is what we inherently are. If we don’t let the ego get in the way (which takes practice) our life flows gently and happily as it’s supposed to.”

Beautiful… love CREATED me like itself ! Love is what we ARE! We were created in love and therefore we are inherently LOVE. It is such a spectacular thought and yet our ego (mind) is constantly at war with this concept! There are times in my life where I would say life flowed gently, but tumultuous changes and difficult life situations also brought chaos. Then life flowed gently again as the sun arose out of the darkness of my soul! Eventually my awakening soul helped me realize that the daily, weekly, monthly or yearly ebbs and flows of life can be changed by ME! My thoughts were creating my existence. My thoughts  create the platform, but change is up to me!

As I myself ponder that question, who am I? I can quickly answer with some of my knowings. I am a spirit being that is occupying the body that most people call Terry Larkin. Before my Near-Death Experience, I never even asked this question, not really. No one ever led me down a path to wonder if I was anything other than the person living life as a child in the Ashby household of five children. Or did they? 

Maybe I missed it in my youth?! Marj and I muse about all of the happenings that were amazingly nurturing in our childhood as well as times that were very difficult. Every family is full of both the amazing and the daunting. But the most important part of my learning from my NDE and through every guru on spirituality I have read tells me that I need to, “live in the present moment!” In this picture it is only four…I am the little one there and Marj is the beautiful child in the hat! Our younger brother was to arrive soon…a blessing in our lives then and now as Bill. How does life plant itself and become amazing with the addition of one life? And then so many more lives would arrive in our family as grandchildren! All of them were created by God in love, as love, and they ARE love now.

What does LIFE mean? Let’s go back to the original question…


If I was created in LOVE, and I AM love, so who is Terry Larkin? Am I love? YES… I know that when I go within. I feel it and I experience it. What happens when a person never goes within to find that love? For some, their religion has provided a foundation which is awesome, but we still question and ask. That’s because our soul is nudging us forward to ASK more! I found unconditional love during my NDE, Marj experienced it during her LIGHT experience. But, I do believe that “love” is the most missing ingredient in our lives…that  is UNCONDITIONAL love. We quantify love in our earthly existence. That is our ego wanting to compare our existence to others and then put a “I am better or less than…” as we meet people in our lives. BUT…let’s go back to the present moment. What if we didn’t put ANY “ifs” as we met people in our lives. WOW…picture it! THAT is an awesome picture.

Can you visualize each and every person that we meet as light and love?  Can you visualize each of us expressing it in our own unique ways? Each of us is on our own journey to awaken, to understand how and why we are living in our current body, at this time in history and with the challenges that we are experiencing. They are lessons for us. Once I understood this concept, I could ask myself, “What am I to learn from this experience?” When we do this, we can figure out how LOVE would respond.

Oh, I hear you when you agonize about the people that are showing anything but love in their lives. We can make a difference in some of those lives, but they too are learning lessons that help grow their own soul on it’s own journey.

I realize that God created my soul,  I also know that my soul was created a VERY long time ago. So while my ego says that I am Terry Ashby Larkin, as I awaken more and more, I realize I am so much MORE than Terry Larkin in this body form. I am a soul that experienced an out of body NDE and REALIZE that life not only goes on in a different form…I am so much more! YOU too are SO MUCH more than you realize!

You too create your life! HEALTH is the unconditional love that has realized itself in YOU! I have so much more to share on how and why our health is totally related to our healthy spiritual life.

“Symptoms are the disguises our problems wear. Health is the balance between our inner and outer worlds.” 

~P.M.H. Atwater  A Manual for Developing Humans

Please keep sharing! We love your thoughts and we will respond with our own thoughts!

Love in LIGHT!

Terry & Marj






3 Comments on “Creation of LIFE

  1. This was just what I needed today! I too have reached the point where I see each person I meet without judgment. I honestly used to think of each person as having a rank from one to 7 billion. It was harder on me than anyone. When I gave that up I became free. This was wonderful to read.

    I came across another, related idea recently, that I think you’ll both love. Loving the ego rather than rejecting it violently. The idea that we should think of it affectionately, like an overprotective best friend, survival-focused to the point of frequent overreaction, but well-meaning. Judging the ego is just more judgment, more ego! I got this from Kevin Oberhausen. I love the analogy of the over-protective best friend, because it’s so easy to love that friend who’s always looking out for you, a little too much! This has been huge for me, thought I’d share. Lots of love to you!

    • Thank you, Christina, for your comments on the ego and judgement. It is SO important to love all parts of ourselves; important to take-in insights and then move to change things that we become aware of need to be changed. Two things about this are difficult. First, it is hard to change – period. Taking on new ideas, new ways of responding, new ways of living, can be really hard. It takes work over time. It takes patience with our self. Secondly, our reactions to certain challenges often give us no time to reconsider. A phrase that helped me stop reacting negatively, giving me time for a new more loving response, came from Wayne Dyer: “I choose peace.” Just saying it to myself (or out loud) keeps anger or judgement at bay. It buys time. It keeps me from saying or thinking something that is NOT LOVING. ‘Judging the ego is just more judgment, more ego.’ How true. We can allow that ‘over-protective best friend’ help us grow kinder, wiser, happier and therefore more productive. We can choose life-giving change and gain emotional freedom.

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