Heart & Soul HEALTHY…

Heart & SOUL Healthy
Last month we launched ourselves into a new year full of thoughts and intentions to LIVE in ways that bring us health, joy, contentment, and peace. Now we have changed the calendar month to February with glimpses of blue skies giving us hope for an early spring. The conversations have somehow switched away from our new years goals of exercise routines and healthy eating habits into discussions about the heart. The medical professionals are asked to share ways to keep our hearts operating efficiently and how to recognize signs of heart disease. Meanwhile our stores make sure we see chocolate hearts at every corner ready to purchase goodies for Valentine’s Day!
But, is it possible to keep our physical heart healthy if our spiritual life is less than we hope for? Is there a way to determine if your heart is SPIRITUALLY HEALTHY? I hear so many people saying that they are very tired of the constant conversation of all the bodily ills that a person is suffering. I think back to our post last week about how our thoughts create the life we live in. If you missed last week or want to review the thoughts you can click here to read it again. Does it help the health of our body~ referring to the physical heart at the moment ~ to keep talking about what is wrong with us? Not likely.
Most all of us have good intentions to make changes in our lives that will help us become healthier, but often our mind takes over with excuses that take many forms. But, perhaps we need to have a real PURPOSE before real change happens. If we are “REALLY” heart healthy, what is needed so that our physical heart understands the state of our spiritual heart? I know I need to have a clear intention to meditate and get quiet so I can hear what my heart is saying to me. This LOVE of self helps me to BE the love for myself and others.
I listened to a very short recent video post by Dr. Joe Dispenza reminding us…”Meditation means to ‘be familiar with‘. He talked bout about how meditation helps you become so familiar with yourself that when you change the OLD you to something new ~ you notice the difference, and don’t go back to old habits.
In his January newsletter, Dr. Joe talked about how important having purpose in your life is such an incredibly important component. He was sharing steps you can practice so your “thoughts, actions, and feelings align with the life you are creating.” What a really powerful statement. He also spoke of how meditation and journaling can be incredibly important tools.
When my soul’s thoughts align with my heart, I believe there is somehow, something magical that happens within us. Sometimes my mind takes over too many aspects of my life. But through familiarity of self I keep a channel wide open to hear from God in so many incredibly wonderful ways. My body is the vessel through which I am navigating my life, so I need to use it wisely. I am going to share my OWN experience over the past week hoping that perhaps there are parts of it that could help you with getting to really KNOW YOURSELF. My story is very different from anyone else, it’s the process and words used that might help you. Some of the words are there to let you know what was filtering through my mind, but trying to move them to my heart.
Let me see…how can I put this into really concrete words so the intentions for myself are well known. I’ve expressed my purpose to myself each and every day. BE love.
“I’m not just my body, I’m not just my soul, I’m not just my mind, but I AM a combination of all of these through consciousness. If I keep my heart healthy in body, mind, AND soul I KNOW I can naturally find true JOY through love and life.”
Here is my journal writing that came through my heart:
- I wrote down my emotional aches that I’ve experienced all week knowing my son is in the Middle East in harms way during such turbulent times. I expressed my thoughts about the lack of caring love between people different from one another. I expressed anger over needless loss of life. I expressed sadness over difficult times for family.
- Expressing my feelings helped me go into meditation with the idea I would ALLOW my real deep heart felt thoughts to emerge.
- I knew I needed to be the OBSERVER during meditation. Just as I do in healing, I gave myself words to ALLOW myself to only observe.
- I was shocked to find LOVE, compassion, and a sense of peace.
- My channel to GOD surely opened. I found myself smiling and laughing as I dragged Doug outside to go see ice sculptures downtown, convince him to take me to dinner, and go walking along the lakeshore under beautiful blue skies at the beach in Holland!
- Second I wrote down actions to go forward! I COULD let go of emotions that would debilitate my life and land in my heart. Instead I replace them with LOVE for myself and all of humanity! I wrote a list of I can…lifting others is on my heart. I CAN spread love…be the rainbow in someone’s cloud! (See the picture at the bottom, Maya Angelou quote!) I CAN laugh and enjoy life. I CAN pray continuously for safety for my son…with a smile on my face!
“I’m not just my body, I’m not just my soul, I’m not just my mind, but I AM a combination of all of these through consciousness. If I keep my heart healthy in body, mind, AND soul I KNOW I can naturally find true JOY through love and life.” ~ Terry
“Whenever you realize you’ve forgotten the new future you’re creating, you can catch yourself. You can remember. And you can begin again.” ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza.
I CAUGHT myself…and put my thoughts back into my NDE message so long ago!
” LOVE is all there is!” SAY it and BE the LOVE. That’s our PURPOSE in life! My heart and soul are healthy when they work together! Thank You God.
I can be out in life, I can laugh at funny scenes, enjoy nature no matter where and how I find it! I CAN BE the rainbow! So can YOU!