LOVE starts with SELF LOVE! 

It is so interesting to realize that almost every person I meet who is reaching some of the “golden” years of aging is in a place of WONDER about life. That is a GOOD thing! Unfortunately, we are often in a place of asking THE really HORRIBLE question…did I do it right? I am hoping all of you of ANY age realize that the journey is never about doing it right or wrong! That’s a human construct that has existed since the beginning of man’s existence. It is born out of our need for acceptance in a world that is anything but accepting of anyone or any act that seems out of the ordinary. Yet, every amazing philosopher, artist, scientist or medical person has had advances that have been born out of a mind that was WAY out of the bounds of the ordinary.

So, does anyone want to be OUT of the ordinary with me for a bit? Find that LOVE you have for yourself and you will ENJOY the ride!

I will use Einstein at the moment to illustrate a point. His life is always fascinating to read about because he was not a person who conformed to the norms of his day. He was considered brilliant by his close scientific research friends, cast aside by other brilliant minds of the day who thought he had lost his mind, misunderstood by some of his closest friends, and YET… we look at that wild haired image and KNOW… BRILLIANCE is s0 much more than simple knowledge.

History tells us that Einstein went through a very depressive state at one point, I’m guessing he was asking the same questions we are asking ourselves right now. What if I’m wrong? I’m guessing he had moments of self loathing instead of self LOVE! It’s too easy for us as humans to shift into the “thinking of the day” and get STUCK. I don’t believe there is THE RIGHT OR WRONG…it’s the journey to understanding that counts. Our daily lives matter…but let’s project outward from the inner peace found in LOVE.

My hope is to get OUT of the stuck mode as much as possible and dream BIG instead. We don’t have to be anyone famous and we don’t  have to be out there speaking to lots of people.  When we start with ourselves we CHANGE  not only ourselves but we help others at the same time. All of the changes begin from within when we truly LOVE who we are and where we are in the journey of life at any given moment!

My life matters, YOUR life matters, and we are threaded into the web of life that is very complex. Self LOVE is what keeps us threading in through this complex web of life.

I’ve been dreaming BIG…Reconnective Healing has taken me to a place where I KNOW some people will question the wisdom I share and offer to the world. It’s okay because I have learned enough self love to carry me past the threshold of doubt and launch me into the unknown world of CHANGE. The WORLD change that is happening around us is at a very rapid rate. Spirituality is bursting forth and so is a shift in the world’s understanding of healing. LOVE was so much more for me once I realized it BEGAN with self love.

Join me…there is more to come! Watch next Friday…you are LIGHT shining bright in the Universe as soon as you are aware you are light! Your soul has a beautiful journey planned for you!

What an amazing gift. “To love yourself is one of my most significant realizations about life.”

~ Terry Larkin

On this day of your life,
I believe God wants you to know …
… that your light is seen, your heart is known, your soul
is cherished by more people than you might imagine.
If you knew how many others have been touched in
wonderful ways by you, you would be astonished. If
you knew how many people feel so much for you, you
would be shocked.
You are far more wonderful than you think you are.
Rest with that. Rest easy with that. Breathe again. You
are doing fine. More than fine. Better than fine. You’re
doin’ great. So relax. And love yourself today.
Then take in God’s love. Right now, take it in.
You deserve it.
Love, your Friend …


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